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innately Meaning in Bengali

innately's Usage Examples:

theory of truth, which claims that the world exists independently and innately to our perceptions of it.

The song is innately competitive and the boast is often presented as a challenge, which may.

Holding to Confucius and Mencius' conception of humanity as innately good, Zhu Xi articulated an understanding of li as the basic pattern of.

Since jinn are neither innately evil nor innately good, Islam acknowledged spirits from other religions, and was.

Opponents of the hoju system believed it to be innately patriarchal and representing a "violation of the right to gender equality".

argued that the Kingdom of God cannot be realized on earth because of the innately corrupt tendencies of society.

and Leon Trotsky's belief that the USSR under Joseph Stalin was still innately proletarian, a "degenerated workers' state.

A key belief of his was that humans are innately good, but that this quality requires cultivation and the right environment.

Similarly, innately metareferential devices, such as metalepsis, are to be seen as special.

These bacteria are innately resistant to many classes of antibiotics.

These provide alternative explanations to Emsleyan mimicry: if predators innately avoid a pattern then there is no need to suppose that the more deadly snake.

has flaws, but possesses certain virtues: ”I tend to think of him as an innately compassionate man, but a damaged man.

particularly The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and holds that all successful films innately adhere to its principles.

primes or semantic primitives are a set of semantic concepts that are innately understood but cannot be expressed in simpler terms.

important factor in the socialization of pets because many breeds do not innately have the ability to moderate the strength of their bites.

a conditioned freezing behavior response to stimuli that typically or innately do not cause fear, such as a tone or shock.

themes: One theme that shows up in psychology and biology study is innately specified.

Super Mutants of the Fallout series tend to be depicted as savage and innately violent beings who, as a result of their transformations, lost a substantial.

President, as the nation's "sole organ" in international relations, is innately vested with significant powers over foreign affairs that far exceed those.

she criticizes Kropotkin and Bakunin's efforts to define human nature as innately cooperative as unnecessary, seeing human nature as inexistent or as socially.

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