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innervate Meaning in Bengali

 বল যোগানো, স্নায়ুসংস্থান করা, শরীরের কোন অঙ্গে স্নায়ুতন্ত্রী যোগানো,

(কিছু অঙ্গ বা শরীরের অংশ সরবরাহ স্নায়ু


বল যোগানো,

innervate's Usage Examples:

based on where they connect to the central nervous system: Spinal nerves innervate (distribute to/stimulate) much of the body, and connect through the vertebral.

They innervate extrafusal muscle fibers of skeletal muscle and are directly responsible.

A single motor neuron may innervate many muscle fibres and a muscle fibre can undergo many action potentials.

classified based on the type of muscle fiber they innervate: Alpha motor neurons (α-MNs) innervate extrafusal muscle fibers, the most numerous type of.

Beta motor neurons innervate intrafusal fibers of muscle spindles with collaterals to extrafusal fibers.

In the thoracic region they remain distinct from each other and each innervates a narrow strip of muscle and skin along the sides, chest, ribs, and abdominal.

motor neurons in the brain to lower motor neurons which then directly innervate muscle to produce movement.

superior salivatory nucleus, and the inferior salivatory nucleus that innervate the salivary glands.

The nucleus ambiguus contains the cell bodies of neurons that innervate the muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, and larynx which are associated.

are two branches of the anterior division of the mandibular nerve that innervate the temporalis.

Hering's nerve) is a small branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve that innervates the carotid sinus and carotid body.

nerves (also called gluteal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve) innervate the skin of the lower part of the buttocks.

found in the inferior mesenteric ganglion and the postsynaptic fibers innervate the smooth muscle and glands of the pelvic viscera and hindgut.

branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V2) It also has nasal branches that innervate the nasal cavity.

The trigeminal motor nucleus contains motor neurons that innervate muscles of the first branchial arch, namely the muscles of mastication, the tensor.

the two celiac ganglia are the largest ganglia in the ANS, and they innervate most of the digestive tract.

These bipolar neurons innervate the hair cells of the organ of Corti.

The medial clunial nerves innervate the skin of the buttocks closest to the midline of the body.

semispinalis muscle before ascending to innervate the skin along the posterior part of the scalp to the vertex.

It innervates the scalp at the top of the head.

The neuron cell bodies reside within the superior ganglion and innervate the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa of the base of the skull.

innervate's Meaning':

supply nerves to (some organ or body part


excite; stimulate;


stifle; kern; take;

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