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inquests Meaning in Bengali


বিচারার্থ অনুসন্ধান, আইনগত অনুসন্ধান,

inquests's Usage Examples:

Generally, inquests are conducted only when deaths are sudden or unexplained.

coroner's inquests.

The panel's report resulted in the previous findings of accidental death being quashed, and the creation of new coroner's inquests.

The 1972 inquests had returned an open verdict on all of the killings, but a 2021 coroner’s.

application of scientific and medical knowledge to legal problems, such as inquests, and in the field of law.

after a piece of Azaria's clothing was found near a dingo lair and new inquests were opened.

exercises its review function by means of the Speech of Accountability and inquests.

Court's civil jurisdiction also includes many specialized proceedings: inquests; summary process (evictions); supplementary process (enforcement of money.

Parliament exercises its review function by means of questions and inquests.

one of three temporary appointees to assist in reducing a backlog of inquests into the deaths of British military personnel overseas.

controversial[citation needed] aspect of the bill are the provisions regarding secret inquests.

perform post-mortem examinations, and in some jurisdictions to initiate inquests.

"7/7 inquests: Emergency delays 'did not cause deaths'".

Coroners also have jurisdiction to hold inquests concerning the cause of any fire in the territory.

antiquarian and botanist, but is best known as the Coroner who conducted the inquests on most of the victims of the Whitechapel Murders of 1888 to 1891 including.

The inquest, in fact, consisted of four inquests but was conducted under.

There were several further inquests as more bodies were found; notably, at an inquest held in Arnside, then.


enquiry; inquiry;



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