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inquorate Meaning in Bengali

inquorate's Usage Examples:

1957 in which the Grand and General Council was deliberately rendered inquorate to prevent the scheduled election of Captains-Regent.

affair), in which the Grand and General Council was deliberately rendered inquorate to prevent the scheduled election of Captains-Regent.

the sitting, all opposition parties walked out – rendering the House inquorate ' unable to vote on its second reading ' the Bill lapsed as a result.

below: Under this analysis, the additional three classes are examples of inquorate gender, where the number of items displaying this behavior are insufficient.

Since the Commissioners could not agree to this, as they were inquorate, the legality of this action is unknown.

ULSU has never reaffiliated to USI, although an inquorate referendum held in 2001 on the issue indicated some support among students.

the professor Weigel leaves the jury during the auditions (making it inquorate) the two candidates left are Jeno and David, but Nazis arrive at the college.

A quorum provision could state a meeting is inquorate without a particular director.

If the Southern Commons was inquorate, the Lord Lieutenant could replace the Southern Parliament with a committee.

moved by the government, which was agreed to 60–0, failed due to being inquorate.

19 governance irregularities, including conflicts of interest and an inquorate board of directors, as three of the six directors had resigned in preceding.

Switzerland 2014 (restrict free movement) Switzerland 2020 (restrict future free movement) San Marino San Marino 2013 (voted to join but was inquorate).

division (including the speaker and the tellers), the division is declared 'inquorate', the question at hand is postponed until the next sitting, and the House.

Due to a large number of inquorate meetings, the Working Group instituted a drop-off rule.

but one had died before dutifully appointing others, and so it became inquorate.

He joined a walk-out by members of the left which rendered the meeting inquorate.

that unionists would have a majority whereas a boycott would leave it inquorate.

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