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inrushing Meaning in Bengali


চূর্ণকারী, পেষণকারী,

inrushing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এটি গম বা অন্যান্য শস্যের দানা (ওট, স্পেল, কর্ন, ভাত বা রাই) পেষণকারী থেকে প্রাপ্ত পণ্য ।

ইয়র্কার প্রচ্ছন্নভাবে স্যান্ডশু ক্রাশার, পায়ের পাতার পেষণকারী , মুচির পুলক কিংবা নখ চূর্ণকারী নামে সুপরিচিত ।

সু ফেলজ (লাকুটা:ইনিয়ান ওকাবলেকা ওতুনওয়াহে,বা পাথর চূর্ণকারী নগরী) জনসংখ্যায় মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সাউথ ডাকোটা অঙ্গরাজ্যের বৃহত্তম শহর ।

যান্ত্রিক সরঞ্জামগুলিতে কৌণিক চূর্ণনযন্ত্র সহ চূর্ণকারী চাকতি বা তারের ব্রাশের চাকা অন্তর্ভুক্ত ।

জনপ্রিয় দেবতা ছিল থর, যিনি কঠোর ভাবে নিজের শত্রুদের দমন করেন, হাতে পর্বত-চূর্ণকারী, বজ্রময় হাতুড়ী মিয়োলনীর নিয়ে ।

inrushing's Usage Examples:

“all back full” ordered by Commander Chambers prevented the pressure of inrushing water from collapsing the fireroom bulkhead and sinking the ship.

visible reminder of the Second World War is the brackish lake formed by the inrushing flood when the dike was bombed.

hold on the port side, starting a fire that was quickly extinguished by inrushing seawater.

Additionally, the pitcher moves into a defensive position, backing up one of the inrushing fielders (which one, usually depends on which direction the pitcher's.

distant cliffs there ran out, on either side, brown reefs, which made the inrushing water dance and foam, and the entrance to the Bay narrow and dangerous:.

The inrushing water made it impossible to close the watertight doors between the sixth.

swim down to the forward escape hatches and push them outward against inrushing water and egress successfully.

demolished, and all their religious institutions would be swept away by an inrushing and irresistible flood of French infidelity.

aft of midships … [causing] … a tremendous explosion when the terrible inrushing wall of cold water burst her aft bulkheads and hit the boilers.

filling is delayed even more by having to fight upstream against the inrushing air and the fact that the piston is further down the bore, increasing.

At Hiroshima, this inrushing to feed the fire is said to have prevented the firestorm perimeter from.

along the coast from Bucks, described by Risdon as "a pile to resist the inrushing of the sea's violent breach, that ships and boats may with the more safety.

They finished the task just before the aft bulkhead gave way to the inrushing seawater.

the Grand Staircase was ripped from its foundations by the force of the inrushing water on the set.

Elsewhere, air could be heard being forced out by inrushing water.

reactions that alpha self-heating takes place in the rest of the still inrushing fuel.

harbour wall, surviving today, described by Risdon as "a pile to resist the inrushing of the sea's violent breach, that ships and boats may with the more safety.

Pilkington lobbed back in ahead of the inrushing Pat O'Connor, and the Coolderry man doubled on it to put Offaly one point.

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