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insinuated Meaning in Bengali

 কটাক্ষ করা, ঠেস দিয়া মন্তব্য করা,


ঠেস দিয়া মন্তব্য করা, কটাক্ষ করা,

insinuated শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এই বইতে কোন কোন মান্য ব্যক্তির প্রতি কটাক্ষ করা হয়েছিল তাই এর প্রতিবাদে এইরকমের দু-একটি বইও লেখা হয়েছিল ।

জাতীয় সঙ্গীতের নামানুসারে এই উপন্যাসে বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতাবিরোধী শক্তিকে কটাক্ষ করা হয়েছে ।

প্রথম ছবিতে এ ধরনের কোনও প্রভাব ছিল না, বরং এতে পূর্বতন জাপান রাজতন্ত্রকে কটাক্ষ করা হয়েছে ।

এসেছে : "দু’টো স্বভাব মানুষের মাঝে রয়েছে, যা কু্ফর বলে গণ্য : বংশের প্রতি কটাক্ষ করা এবং মৃত ব্যক্তির জন্য উচ্চস্বরে কান্নাকাটি করা ।

বংশের প্রতি কটাক্ষ করা এবং উচ্চস্বরে বিলাপ করা (মুসলিম ১২১) ।

insinuated's Usage Examples:

cerebellothalamic (crossed) and pallidothalamic (uncrossed) fibres, that is insinuated between the thalamus and the zona incerta.

and prepare whatever they can of power and weapons as he promised and insinuated to them that he will lead an army, backed by Heraclius, to fight Muhammad.

He also insinuated that Manet had directly copied that work, a comment strongly refuted by.

This phrase insinuated that the ministers were practically subordinate to the monarch, and thereby.

In a 2014 interview, he insinuated he may be suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s but has not officially.

Willemse insinuated that his actions were a result of racism on the part of Mallett and Botha.

Methodist writer Joseph Benson summarises this chapter: "The apostle having insinuated, in Romans 3:3, that God would cast off the Jews for their unbelief, a.

The movement is so-named because of an insinuated continuum between the traditionally-distinct K–12 system and the two-to-four-year.

So when Pertinax, so it is said, insinuated to the emperor that Burrus and the proconsul of Asia Gaius Arrius Antoninus.

Enterprise are recounted in a 24th-century holodeck re-creation that is insinuated into the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Pegasus", which aired.

The college insinuated that such premature dissolution of the council will encourage quackery.

recalling an alleged incident in which two male radio presenters in Adelaide insinuated during a live interview that she must have had a sexual relationship with.

During his time as director, he deceitfully insinuated that diagnostic and painful lumbar punctures were necessary treatment.

Velikovsky -- "the man whose work was being examined 'objectively'" insinuated himself into the editing of the May 1972 issue, just as he had done earlier.

after circulation of a controversial election leaflet which fraudulently insinuated a link between the Alliance Party and the IRA.

Acarnania was once a friend of Philip V of Macedon but abandoned him, and insinuated himself so much into the favor of Antiochus III the Great, that he was.

The kids are obsessed by the story about a mysterious dolphin insinuated by a local fisherman and playboy who tries to tie affair with the elder.

Gorampa insinuated that Tsongkhapa's conversations with Manjusri were actually with a demon:.

Irish House of Commons that year: It has, I fear, been mischievously insinuated amongst the peasantry, that they are liable to be sent on foreign service.

It was insinuated that Iglesias should leave Peru, and in 1886 he and his wife Maria (daughter.


introduce; bring in;


lose; break even; contraindicate;

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