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insulator Meaning in Bengali

 অন্তরক, অপরিবাহী,


অপরিবাহী, অন্তরক,

insulator শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অন্তরক সমীকরণ বা ডিফারেন্সিয়াল ইকুয়েশান হল কোন অজানা ফাংশনের এক বা একাধিক চলক বিশিষ্ট গাণিতিক সমীকরণ যা কিনা ফাংশনটির নিজের মান এবং এর বিভিন্ন অর্ডারের ।

প্রকল্প • অবিচ্ছিন্ন জ্যামিতি • বক্ররেখা • তল • চার বর্ণ উপপাদ্য অন্তরক জ্যামিতি অন্তরক জ্যামিতি • অন্তুরীকরণযোগ্য প্রজগৎ • রিমানীয় প্রজগৎ • সংযোজন • টেনসর ।

নিষ্ক্রিয়, অদাহ্য, এসিড, ক্ষার ও জারক পদার্থের সাথে ক্রিয়াহীন, বিদ্যুৎ ও তাপ অপরিবাহী এবং অত্যন্ত শক্ত ।

যেমন, স্বাভাবিক তাপমাত্রায় কাচের (অন্তরক) আপেক্ষিক রোধ ১০১৬ ওহম-মিটার আর তামার (পরিবাহী) হলো ১০−৮ ।

রিং • বহুপদীর রিং • ঘাত ধারার রিং • দ্বিঘাত ফর্ম • ক্লিফোর্ড বীজগণিত • অন্তরক রিং • ভিট ভেক্টর • মান আরোপন • আদেলীয় বীজগাণিতিক গ্রুপ • কেলি বীজগণিত • ।

insulator's Usage Examples:

An electrical insulator is a material in which electric current does not flow freely.

The atoms of the insulator have tightly bound electrons which cannot.

place severe mechanical stresses on spacecraft, so the strength of an insulator is critically important (as seen by the failure of insulating tiles on.

threaded shell, electrically isolated from a central electrode by a ceramic insulator.

good electrical insulator at the same time as being a good thermal conductor.

The leading use of block mica is as an electrical insulator in electronic.

Mott insulators are a class of materials that should conduct electricity under conventional band theories, but are in fact insulators when measured (particularly.

A topological insulator is a material that behaves as an insulator in its interior but whose surface contains conducting states, meaning that electrons.

manufacturing, silicon on insulator (SOI) technology is fabrication of silicon semiconductor devices in a layered silicon–insulator–silicon substrate, to.

involved in many cellular processes, including transcriptional regulation, insulator activity, V(D)J recombination and regulation of chromatin architecture.

channel side of insulator, and tins = insulator thickness.

This equation shows the gate voltage will not increase when the insulator thickness increases.

falling between that of a conductor, such as metallic copper, and an insulator, such as glass.

An insulator is a type of cis-regulatory element known as a long-range regulatory element.

Insulator may refer to: Insulator (electricity), a substance that resists electricity Pin insulator, a device that isolates a wire from a physical support.

Silicon Germanium-on-insulator (SGOI) is a technology analogous to the Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology currently employed in computer.

The breakdown voltage of an insulator is the minimum voltage that causes a portion of an insulator to become electrically conductive.

superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) — also known as a superconductor–insulator–superconductor tunnel junction (SIS) — is an electronic device consisting.

the Mott insulator phase, atoms will be trapped in the potential minima and cannot move freely, which is similar to the electrons in an insulator.

Although Hemingray was best known for its telegraph insulators, the company produced many other glass items including bottles, fruit.

called an electrical insulator or dielectric.

All matter is composed of charged particles, but the common property of insulators is that the negative.


mineral wool; bushing; material; rock wool; stuff; nonconductor; glass wool; dielectric;


empty; pull; unclog; unstuff; conductor;

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