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intermingled Meaning in Bengali

 একত্র মেশান, একত্র মেশা,


একত্র মেশা, একত্র মেশান,

intermingled's Usage Examples:

were originally Han Chinese people who migrated to Hainan Island and intermingled with the Li people.

mixture of original and copyright infringing material, but it is so intermingled as to be inseparable, then the copyright holder may take all profits.

battle in which several aircraft, both friend and foe, are confusingly intermingled".

to the lateral spinothalamic tract, but its fibers are more or less intermingled with it.

community of descendants of immigrants from Yarkand and Kashmir that have intermingled with the local Ladakhi community, residing mainly in Leh and Kargil towns.

The land owned by the Forest Service is intermingled with private farms and woodlots.

with the Amerindians in Jamaica from the Arawak and Taíno tribes who intermingled with the Maroons.

This is heat-treated, which causes the material to separate into two intermingled "phases" with distinct chemical compositions.

Their religion has been profoundly intermingled with Taoism since the 13th century, so much that it is frequently defined.

chili and macaroni as primary ingredients, which is often topped or intermingled with cheese.

seems smaller than Kakar because of the close ties of both tribes; they intermingled and mixed so closely that most Davi tribesmen consider themselves as.

elevations, particularly through regions where softer rock layers are intermingled with harder layers more resistant to weathering.

wind-deposited loess, a silty soil also associated with the glaciers, are intermingled with the residual soils.

performing music in the setting of a local pub, in which the music-making is intermingled with the consumption of ale, stout, and beer and conversation.

These trees are also intermingled with juniper, twinberry, false azalea, white rhododendron, and buffalo.

The history of Akçakoyun is somewhat intermingled with that of Kalkım, a town to the east of Akçakoyun.

Land patterns are very complex because of the intermingled federal, state, and private lands.

Checkerboarding refers to a situation where land ownership is intermingled between two or more owners, resulting in a checkerboard pattern.

In the west this tradition intermingled with others to give birth to Metis music.

Its fibres are intermingled with the sacrotuberous ligament.


commix; amalgamate; mingle; blend; intermix; mix; commingle; unify; immingle;


divided; segregate; take away; disunify; divide;

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