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interpellation Meaning in Bengali

 বিতর্ককালে উখাপিত প্রশ্ন

interpellation's Usage Examples:

registered for interpellation in Parliament, by representative Arne Kielland.

The Borten Government had no intent to answer the interpellation, but forwarded.

In Marxist theory, interpellation—the process by which we encounter a culture's or ideology's values and internalize them—is an important concept regarding.

Cabinet fell in 1936 by the interpellation of the opposition after its bill to reinstate the capital punishment.

A roundup is a police operation of interpellation and arrest of people taken at random from a public place, or targeting a particular population by ethnicity.

close down the show as outdated—raised some public debate, including an interpellation in the Storting raised by representative Ulf Erik Knudsen to the minister.

Althusser uses the term "interpellation" to describe the process by which ideology constitutes individual persons.

Parliament was henceforth elected directly, and obtained the right to interpellation, the right to hold investigative hearings (recht van enquête), and the.

On 23 July 2019, Congressman Fidelio Despradel also requested an interpellation, to explain his participation in six works in which Odebrecht had made.

The National Assembly's interpellation sessions of ministers are aired on Kuwaiti TV.

She had to resign from her post in the cabinet following an interpellation about the payment of the death notice for her father from the ministerial.

Two days later Castelin's interpellation was made, but it failed in its purpose.

interpellation, Subject Committee Report, Estimate Committee report, O.

In an interpellation in the Parliament of Romania in 2009, international judge and politician.

Cabinet fell by interpellation of the opposition and it is up to date (June 2017) the last Finnish.

As a legislator, she was active in interpellation sessions regarding technology.

In November 2019, on a Senate interpellation for the Philippine Sports Commission Budget for 2020, Dizon was prominently.


interpolation; disruption; interjection; gap; break; interposition; interruption;


respect; unify; stay; function; keep quiet;

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