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interruptor Meaning in Bengali



interruptor's Usage Examples:


circuit breaker) instead of the Spanish interruptor, switch (from light switch) instead of the Spanish interruptor, fren (from friend) instead of Spanish.

312 in) LMG 08/15 with an interruptor gear 1 × 7.

312 in) LMG 08/15 fixed with an interruptor gear 1 × 7.

312 in) LMG 08/15 with an interruptor gear Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era Albatros W.

professional Mick Wall interruptor.

parachute, the fitting of weaponry to British biplanes (lacking the Germans' interruptor gear, they had to be fired at an angle rather than between the propeller.

312 in) LMG 08/15 with an interruptor gear and 1 × 7.

6 Non-idiophonic interruptor pipes.

Levante's official website, 7 August 2013 (in Spanish) Piti pulsa el interruptor (Piti turns on the light); Marca, 3 November 2013 (in Spanish) Nong se.

one of the connected items is more complex than a single word as an interruptor at sentence level, substituting for a pair of commas, parentheses, or.

by means of a simple interruptor; almost a miracle for other parishes.

The goals of the power interruptor are both divergent from and regardless of the goals of the speaker.

was surrounded by a coaming which provided a track for a cam operated interruptor device which prevented the gunner from shooting the tail of his own aircraft.

geminus Gravenhorst, 1829 Cremastus infirmus Gravenhorst, 1829 Cremastus interruptor (Gravenhorst, 1829) Cremastus kratochvili Sedivy, 1970 Cremastus pungens.

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