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intrude Meaning in Bengali

 জোর করে বা অনাহুতভাবে প্রবেশ করা


অনধিকারপ্রবেশ করান, অনধিকারপ্রবেশ করা,

intrude's Usage Examples:

dyskinesia, or excessive, often repetitive, involuntary movements that intrude upon the normal flow of motor activity.

to the southern rim are the co-joined craters Bonpland and Parry, which intrude into the formation forming inward-bulging walls.

satellite crater Abel A overlies the southern rim, while Abel M and Abel L intrude into the western wall.

Small craters belonging to the Catena Abulfeda intrude slightly into the northeast rim.

sisters which Cleary admits was a difficult writing challenge "trying to not intrude a man's viewpoint on what the women thought and what they did.

Other lesser craters intrude into the rim, with Desargues M forming a bulge into the southern rim and.

centuries-old cult in Virginia who respond violently to outsiders who intrude on their self-sufficient civilization.

A penetrator is a long-range bomber aircraft designed to intrude and penetrate enemy defenses.

Granites intrude the rocks from the Burundian Supergroup along a 350 km zone of mafic and.

The Mendelssohn Inlet, the Brahms Inlet and the Verdi Inlet apparently intrude into it.

It aims to run on any JavaScript-enabled platform, to not intrude on the application nor the IDE, and to have easy-to-read syntax.

effective image size will be reduced with this method as the perforations will intrude on the image area.

because they can misdirect hikers, expose the soil to erosion, aesthetically intrude upon the natural landscape, and serve no purpose.

Ice wedges that intrude into cracks in permafrost may be regarded as syngenetic, if they grow upwards.

texture intrude the formation.

At some locations Miocene plutons of the North Patagonian Batholith intrude the Traiguén Formation.

The intruded plutons.

cause the long planks to twist and buckle, thereby allowing sea water to intrude into the hold (see hogging and sagging).

Diapirs commonly intrude vertically upward along fractures or zones of structural weakness through.

must) apply to refuse to hear a case if hearing the case would potentially intrude upon the powers of another court.


get in; barge in; come in; irrupt; get into; go in; gate-crash; crash; move in on; break in; enter; move into; go into; bother;


detach; punch out; clock out; get off; exit;

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