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invective Meaning in Bengali

 তীব্র ভর্ৎসনা বা নিন্দাসূচক উক্তি বা বক্তৃতা



invective শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মানুষ গালাৎজো পর্বতের (কাতালান: Mola de l'Esclop) ওপর গোলাবর্ষণকে সেনা আক্রমণমূলক আরাগোর কাজ বলে মনে করেন ।

ছিল সমসাময়িক কালের টোরি সাহিত্য পত্রিকাগুলির অত্যন্ত প্রতিকূল, ব্যক্তি-আক্রমণমূলক এবং রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্যপ্রণোদিত সমালোচনা ।

ওবাইদুল্লাহর মত অনুযায়ী, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৩ সালে "আক্রমণমূলক" সেল অনুসন্ধান দ্বারা তাড়িত হয়ে তিনি অনশন ধর্মঘট শুরু করেন ।

নাট্যকার এবং কবিতার আক্রমণমূলক ক্ষমতা থাকা সত্ত্বেও তিনি আখ্যান সাহিত্য রচনার ফলেই বিখ্যাত ।

invective's Usage Examples:

Argument by invective declaration of ridiculous is invalid, while arguments involving declarations.

well-nigh infamous even in his own time for his fierce, sometimes obscene, invectives against faithless friends (e.

laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society's imminent downfall.

posted, or otherwise) is a form of harassment, usually consisting of invective and potentially intimidating or threatening comments towards the recipient.

verse genre primarily of the Renaissance, descended from the tradition of invective in classical Greek and Roman poetry.

Its connotations range from neutral and descriptive to invective, depending on the context in which it is used.

ideas, sudden fits of temper, occasional songs, and bursts of Spanish invective.

satirical pieces have little in common with Dante's presentation, but the invective against negligent princes which Dante puts into his mouth in the 7th canto.

He was the subject of the verse invective In Rufinum by the western court poet Claudian.

Upland's Rejoinder intensifies the level of invective: Daw is said to recruit the young sons of true-living plowmen to become.

In comparison to Catullus's other invective poetry, this is relatively light: the main point of the poem could be.

It is a proposition-not an invective.

Kline, "Ovid - Ibis," Poetry in Translation, 2003 Libel as a genre of invective poetry Hermann.

Gregorian chants, formal or diplomatic speech, political rhetoric and invective, light-hearted nursery and nonsense rhymes, threnodies to the deceased.

Later Latin poets referenced the poem not for its invective, but as a justification for subject matter that challenged the prevailing.


abuse; insult; contumely; revilement; vituperation; vitriol; vilification;

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