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invigorate Meaning in Bengali

 বলশালী করা সজীব করা


শক্তি সঁচার করা, বল প্রদান করা, বলবর্ধন করা, তেজ প্রদান করা, প্রাণবন্ত করা, বলাধান করা, সজীব করা,

invigorate শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গ্যাস হতে পিস্টন রড এবং/অথবা কানেক্টিং রডের মাধ্যমে  ক্রাংক শ্যাফট- এ বল প্রদান করা

করা থেকে বিরত রাখা এবং এ সময় যতটা সম্ভব সৃজনশীলতার সাথে একে অপরকে বল প্রদান করা

invigorate's Usage Examples:

states that among its aims is to bring forward "new questions that both invigorate and challenge the current dialogue in writing today".

[citation needed] The third Chair, Olusegun Obasanjo, did more to invigorate the role of the position after taking over in 2003.

use in the traditional Chinese medicine include promoting urination, to invigorate the spleen function (i.

University of Calgary strives to advance the careers of Canadian writers, invigorate the Calgary writing community, and enhance the activities of the Faculty.

ecotourism to sustain and improve its immense biodiversity, as well as invigorate its economy.

The burns help invigorate the grasses by removing dead stems, and control the growth of brush and.

World Movement "to strengthen democracy where it is weak, to reform and invigorate democracy even where it is longstanding, and to bolster pro-democracy.

group of composers known as Young Poland, the intention of which was to invigorate the musical culture of their generation in their mother country.

published in the 1978–1979 volume of Simiolus, is credited with helping invigorate the study of the economies of art.

mission was to reform the diocesan priests to ensure their holiness and to invigorate the faithful and cultivate greater participation in ecclesial affairs.

Pruning can invigorate it and it can be grown as a low hedge.

健脾丸) is a blackish-brown pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "invigorate the spleen function and improve the appetite".

a number of professional teams began to play the song during games to invigorate the audience.

Wave originated within the film studio establishment in an attempt to invigorate local cinema (which was being undermined by television productions) with.

Recommendations were to take it internally to invigorate the body, aid in digestion, and revitalize the blood.

order to provide artists with a rigorous and nurturing environment to invigorate the artistic process; to promote collaboration between artistic peers.

Senior editor David Fricke wrote: "The Faux invigorate the artistry of even the Beatles' most intricate studio masterpieces with.

(also tonic herbs, tonic herbalism) is used to help restore, tone and invigorate systems in the body or to promote general health and well-being.

Moreover, local efforts to beautify and invigorate the neighbourhood have reinforced a budding sense of community and artistic.


excite; stir; enliven; animate; shake up; shake; encourage; exalt; stimulate; inspire;


dissuade; desensitize; desensitise; depress; discourage;

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