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irascibility Meaning in Bengali

 ক্রুদ্ধ ব্যবহার, ক্রোধবায়ণতা,



irascibility's Usage Examples:

illustrates the sort of behaviour which earned Bishop his reputation for irascibility.

(especially the lightning/thunder ones), powerful and irascible (the irascibility is probably a trait because of the command over thunder/lightning, thus.

It was said that he had a tendency for irascibility, something some of his mountaineering contemporaries said "decreased.

The play also deals with the irascibility of Nero and his inability to take heed of the philosopher Seneca's advice.

intelligent and brave, his career was several times set back by his irascibility and vanity.

Despite his friendship with Malone and Reed, Steevens was famous for his irascibility; in notes to his 1793 edition of Shakespeare, he concocted obscene interpretations.

who was genuinely fond of his younger costars despite the kid-hating irascibility of his "Reuben Kincaid" character.

Flashing eyes may indicate the anger or irascibility of Charon as he is often characterized in literature, but the etymology.

character, including the "great compassion for humanity and that sense of irascibility" with which Kelley imbued the character.

trusting; the pair provide two different counterpoints to the single-minded irascibility of the protagonist.

King, who was known throughout his life for his irascibility, took command of the aircraft carrier Lexington in 1930.

However, despite his irascibility, it was indicated that he did show some remorse for his actions.

darker-skinned and shorter-nosed, and is never shown in her characteristic irascibility.

Griffin's irascibility frequently led to conflict with his superiors, but his leadership abilities.

Although capable of impetuousness and irascibility, Beechey was known for his generosity to students.

He is nearly blind and suffers from extreme irascibility.

personal redemption through clowning around", "Haig maintains just enough irascibility to keep things interesting".

Fowler, who was known for an "irascibility of temper that amounted to an infirmity," had learned the newspaper trade.

and placid demeanor contrast humorously with Flask's short stature and irascibility.


bad temper; spleen; quick temper; ill temper; short temper;

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