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irreparable Meaning in Bengali

 অপুরণীয়, অসংশোধনীয়,



irreparable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

২০১০ খ্রিষ্টাব্দের ৬ই এপ্রিল দড়ি ছিড়ে দোলকটির অপুরণীয় ক্ষতি হয় ।

irreparable's Usage Examples:

vertebrae and subsequently the spinal cord, which may lead to serious and irreparable spinal cord injury.

regulate the depletion of unreplenishable natural resources and to prevent irreparable damage to valuable ecosystems through unsustainable practices such as.

An irreparable injury is, in equity, "the type of harm which no monetary compensation can cure or put conditions back the way they were.

At that time, the Lodge was deemed structurally irreparable due to dry rot.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, warned that Western sanctions have inflicted irreparable damage to the environment not just in Iran, but also in the region and.

justices on the Court granted the stay for Bush, with Scalia citing "irreparable harm" that could befall Bush, as the recounts would cast "a needless.

destruction of the vehicle, rendering it both permanently non-functional and irreparable.

word saudade, or longing, symbolizing a feeling of loss (a permanent, irreparable loss and its consequent lifelong damage).

the abortion, which in practice only occurs if there is a chance of irreparable harm for either the fetus or the mother.

aniseed and sugar blocks broke down and due to the age of the machine was irreparable.

an interest in innovation and ingenuity or efforts to compensate for irreparable loss.

requirements, pericolum notice, and the risk of suffering serious and irreparable damage.

If unresolved, continued inflammation can result in irreparable damage such as pulmonary fibrosis.

the ground potentially resulting in loss of control of the vehicle or irreparable damage to the tire.

grave" by Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) and "severe and irreparable" by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

In 1979 an irreparable crack was discovered in the bubble chamber, and the detector was decommissioned.

be a heavy burden, the other life forms in the biosphere could suffer irreparable harm in the case of an untested release.

it would be entering voluntary administration and closing, citing an “irreparable loss of income” due to government bans on events during the COVID-19.

which, if one moment neglected, the loss may be irreparable; here our attention is instantly demanded.

and the acceptance of his position by other members of the dynasty did irreparable harm to the image of the monarchy.

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