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irretrievably Meaning in Bengali

irretrievably's Usage Examples:

marriage has irretrievably broken down.

The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 specifies that the marriage may be found to have irretrievably broken down if.

of Imam Gran and the Ottoman Red Sea expansion, albeit Medri Bahri irretrievably lost its access to the Red Sea due to the latter.

completed, and before the end of the sixteenth century it had been irretrievably altered by a building across the court, dividing it into two separate.

indicated that the score was lost at that time, with one saying "perhaps irretrievably" and another "temporarily lost", Alain Frogley commented in 1991 that.

that writers have exhausted their focus, that the show has strayed irretrievably from an older and better formula, or that the series as a whole is declining.

backup, the entire website and all of the users' diaries were lost irretrievably.

matter in dispute between the parties will be wholly frustrated (such as irretrievably removed outside of the jurisdiction) if the injunction is not imposed.

marriage being "irretrievably broken.

is a physical impact where the spin angular momentum of an atom is irretrievably scrambled.

ratified only by Gran Colombia, and Bolívar's dream soon foundered irretrievably with civil war in that nation, the disintegration of Central America.

struggle; Lucke subsequently left the party and said it has "fallen irretrievably into the wrong hands" after Petry's election.

Many patent documents and models from the preceding three decades were irretrievably lost.

late 1910s and early 1920s, most of which are believed to have been irretrievably lost following Hepworth's bankruptcy in 1924, when his film stock was.

black and white telerecording after the original colour version was irretrievably lost.

The New York Times praised the score but called the book "irretrievably inert.

People could end marriages that had "irretrievably broken down" and neither partner had to prove "fault".

it was found that of the sums owed to the charity, £890 18s 10d was irretrievably lost, and only £150 was recovered from Tompson's executors.

Grimsby), after which his relationship with the manager had irretrievably broken down.

Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim, described the frescoes as being "irretrievably lost" in a 2014 report prepared for the German-based Kuratorium Arnau.

Gdańsk music studio SAR in 1986, but tapes with this material were irretrievably lost.

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