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jabbing Meaning in Bengali

 ঠেলা, ধাক্কা দেত্তয়া, ঠেলা দেত্তয়া, ধাক্কান, খোঁচা দেত্তয়া, খোঁচান,

jabbing's Usage Examples:

one hand together, place them on the abdominal surface, and make a brief jabbing movement directly toward the anticipated structure.

One video shows a diner jabbing at a fish's eyes and mouth with their chopsticks in order to prompt the.

display of back-and-forth action between Tyson and Lewis as they started by jabbing away.

striking weapons were used primarily for end-on thrusting or jabbing (tipi).

In combat, jabbing thrusts or strikes would be directed at the ribs, neck or.

Friday-night fights, carried an unusually combative Joe Klein column recently jabbing at “left-wing blognuts and conservative wingnuts.

dialogue brims with that distinctive Mamet style of unfinished sentences and jabbing, intercepting, interrupted conversation.

accustomed ways of counterpunching perceived as constantly backing-up and jabbing from the safe distance, move forward and do it with a lot of aggressiveness.

scene of man's underwear showing through his torn trousers, two scenes of jabbing man with pin cushion to include West pulling man's coat apart exposing.

was outmaneuvered by Norton's unorthodox fighting style, which involved jabbing from below and crossing his hands for defence.

The eggs are laid by jabbing the abdomen into rotting vegetation or wood.

38–41 cm These birds forage on muddy, picking up food by sight, often jabbing like the dowitchers with which they often associate.

Designed for uppercut practice, jabbing, curl punching and quick bursts of high and low punching practice, it allows.

against him, and playing mind-games with Stark at public events, subtly jabbing him about his alcoholism and former military contracts.

action by Gardner which earned him his ejection, holding a phantom bat and jabbing it against a phantom dugout roof.

treated, Jamie experiences strange side effects, including sleepwalking and jabbing himself in the arm with sharp objects while in a fugue state, as if trying.

enthusiastically impressed with Jack's "views" on the Church, and starts jabbing Jack with his finger to express his excitement, leading Jack to stuff the.


thrusting; poke; poking; thrust; jab; gesture;


stand still; pull; boo;

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