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jingoistic Meaning in Bengali

jingoistic's Usage Examples:

toward Hitler led to satirical references to the disappearance of such jingoistic attitudes when facing German aggression.

(Chinese: 小粉紅; pinyin: xiǎo fěnhóng) is a term used to describe young jingoistic Chinese nationalists on the internet.

Unlike the jingoistic display at Wagah which draws nationalistic tourists from all over India.

later said of the song, "I think I got into a character, this sort of jingoistic type of fellow.

Bottomley knew from his own brand of populist, jingoistic, politics that, as Palmer put it, "there is an immense body of sound opinion.

of the 2019 India-Pakistan standoff was criticised for largely being "jingoistic" and "nationalistic", to the extent of the media war-mongering and the.

Blimp is pompous, irascible, jingoistic, and stereotypically British, identifiable by his walrus moustache and.

due to its strong pacifist anti-war message; its mockery of militarism, jingoistic fervour and hysteria; and its placement of blame upon those in power who.

The words were controversial with Thatcher's critics regarding them as jingoistic and triumphal, particularly regarding a military operation in which lives.

He was introduced as a comic foil for the jingoistic Green Lantern corps member Guy Gardner in the early 1990s.

to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (22 June 1897), the jingoistic poem was replaced with the sombre "Recessional" (1897), also a Kipling.

One Michael Grade due to its pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and alleged jingoistic tone.

that was introduced in 2011 by Anton Chadskiy, which denotes a steadfast jingoistic follower of propaganda from the Russian government.

" The strongest elements of his entertainments were an almost jingoistic brand of United States patriotism and a strong commitment to attracting.

noted as "[capturing] the flavor of battle, as well as the Marauders' jingoistic pride and derring-do".

passages were created by Richard Williams, drawing on the satirical use of jingoistic images.

Kingdom, it is elevated by the story and production values above the usual jingoistic fare.

Resident Chaplain to the Bishop, and supported the Bishop noted for his jingoistic promotion of British commitment to the Great War.

career, his radical viewpoint was a change from the conventional and often jingoistic tone of most children's literature of the time, and he was one of the.

He became a jingoistic advocate of a strong national defense during World War I, working with.


ultranationalistic; superpatriotic; nationalistic; patriotic; loyal; chauvinistic; flag-waving;


international; unfaithful; disloyalty; disloyal; unpatriotic;

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