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jointing Meaning in Bengali

 খাঁজে খাঁজে মেশা, খাঁজে খাঁজে মেশান, মিলিত করান, মিলিত হত্তয়া, সংযোগস্থলে মেশা, সংযোগস্থলে মেশান,


খামি, গাঁট, পাব, গ্রন্থি, সন্ধি,


মিলিত হত্তয়া, মিলিত করান, খাঁজে খাঁজে মেশান, খাঁজে খাঁজে মেশা,


এজমালি, একত্র, মিলিত, একীভূত, যুক্ত, সংযুক্ত,

jointing's Usage Examples:

Marte Vallis is the site of the first discovery of columnar jointing on Mars.

Columnar jointing often forms when basalt lava cools.

Columnar jointing is a geological structure where sets of intersecting closely spaced fractures, referred to as joints, result in the formation of a regular.

woodworking to straighten the edges of boards in the process known as jointing, and to flatten the faces of larger boards.

This type of jointing is typical of thick lava flows and shallow dikes and sills.

Columnar jointing is also known as either columnar.

One important result of tensile stress is jointing in rocks.

Formation contains metabasalt, metarhyolite, and porphyritic rocks, columnar jointing, low-dipping primary joints, amygdules, sedimentary dikes, and flow breccias.

for dressing timber down to size in preparation for truing and/or edge jointing.

with columnar jointing labeled Picture taken with HiRISE.

Columnar jointing on the Earth.

Columnar jointing in a crater in Marte Vallis.

The summit features columnar jointing and was once home to an observation tower.

western end of the quarry is a unique exposure which displays columnar jointing in the sill with limestone exposed above and below the intrusion.

its widely distributed tuff volcanic rocks displaying prismatic columnar jointing, which are of international geological significance the Northeast New Territories.

sheet jointing.

There are two main theories on the origins of bornhardts, each relating to jointing.

The exogenetic theory asserts that sheet jointing is.

Hawks are also used to hold joint compound for tape and jointing.

Outcrops on Ring Mountain's western side contain highly variable, fine-scale jointing and are locally broken down into many small spires and knobs.

The mountain has basalt cliffs with columnar jointing on the east and south-east sides.

buttes are composed of igneous intrusive phonolite which exhibits columnar jointing.


conjunct; cosignatory; shared; collective; concerted; united; integrated; conjunctive; conjoint; cooperative; common; conjoined; clannish; corporate;


individual; unshared; segregated; distributive; divided; separate;

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