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juridic Meaning in Bengali

juridic's Usage Examples:

between physical and juridic persons.

Juridic persons may be distinguished as collegial or non-collegial, and public or private juridic persons.

Also known as artificial person, juridical entity, juridic person, juristic person, or legal person.

such is legally distinct from the juridic personality of the parish, and so can be transferred to another juridic person.

formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica) was an externally provable juridic act of departure from the Catholic Church, which was recognized from 1983.

to an unauthorized celebration of a sacrament, or an improperly placed juridic act, that nevertheless has effect.

unit with special legal status (Unitatea teritorială autonomă cu statut juridic special Transnistria), or Stînga Nistrului ("Left Bank of the Dniester").

of obligations be observed when ecclesiastical moral persons (termed "juridic persons" in the 1983 Code, except for the Holy See and the Catholic Church.


judicial; juridical;


illegal; uncritical;

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