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keep up Meaning in Bengali

 বজায় রাখা, ধরিয়া রাখা, ঠেকাইয়া রাখা, পড়িতে না দেত্তয়া, চালু রাখা, চালাইয়া যাত্তয়া, পালন করা, বহা,

keep up শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"ধর্ম" শব্দটি ঐতিহাসিক বৈদিক ধর্ম এর সময় থেকেই ব্যবহার ঘয়ে আসছে এবং ।

এজন্য নিচের পরামর্শগুলি অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বের সাথে পালন করা সকলের আবশ্যিক কর্তব্য ।

৬ কহ্-আদিগণ কহ্ (কহা), সহ্ (সহা), বহ্ (বহা) ইত্যাদি ।

কাঠমান্ডুর এই শহরতলী জন বহা (মচ্ছেন্দ্র বহাল) নামক পবিত্র দরবারের জন্য বিখ্যাত ।

আঘাত বা বিকারের নিরীক্ষণ, নির্ণয় ও নিরাময়ের দ্বারা মানুষের স্বাস্থ্য বজায় রাখা বা পুনর্বহাল করা ।

keep up's Usage Examples:

To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural.

were created to support PT boats in the Pacific, but were too slow to keep up.

drugged to grow so quickly that their hearts, lungs, and limbs often can't keep up.

early 1990s succumbing to increased competition, and the inability to keep up with evolving supermarket trends.

follow after Zeus' exiled daughter Atë ("Folly") as healers but who cannot keep up with the fast-running Atë.

clothing comprising a narrow band of fabric fastened about the leg to keep up stockings.

archived the project due to known vulnerabilities and lack of maintenance to keep up with the latest web security research, recommending instead the Closure.

cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption.

are caught in the vexed immigrants' dilemma of struggling not only to keep up with the Joneses but to look like them, too.

medical specialist needs to read 30 to 80 journal articles every day to keep up with the flow of information in his/her specialty.

lines frequently sell, renovate, or simply rename their ships just to keep up with travel trends.

Typical of many grocery stores of its time, Chatham was unable to keep up with big-box grocery competitors, including Michigan-based Meijer.

two years, with the first edition of the games in 2012, in an effort to keep up the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics legacy.

from the southern part of 216 and 440 was added the following year to keep up with the increasing number of cellular phones, as well as population factors.

advanced P2P streaming media technology to ensure that the platform can keep up with traffic.

Han could not keep up with the leaders through the first lap and soon fell off the pace, leaving.


keep pace; contend; vie; keep step; compete;


allow; refrain; attack; admit; let;

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