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keywords Meaning in Bengali

keywords's Usage Examples:

search engine behavior, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines, and which search engines are preferred by their.

Turkey; keywords for gambling and casinos are prohibited in Poland; keywords for abortion services are prohibited in Russia and Ukraine; and keywords for.

are used as keywords to retrieve documents in an information system, for instance, a catalog or a search engine.

A popular form of keywords on the web.

natural language queries, considering context and meaning over individual keywords.

Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and.

and keywords need not coincide, but in most modern languages keywords are a subset of reserved words, as this makes parsing easier, since keywords cannot.

0: 114 additional keywords commands to ease the coding of sprites commands to ease the coding of high-resolution.

Non-English-based programming languages are programming languages that do not use keywords taken from or inspired by English vocabulary.

some of these instructions are given as keywords, which have a common meaning across all cards.

Most keywords describe a card's abilities, for example.

their database and will come up when a user types in a certain set of keywords.

Some programming language grammars reserve keywords or mark them specially, and do not allow them to be used as identifiers.

the actual page on the Web, and a short description showing where the keywords have matched content within the page for organic results.

3 million different reactions, with over 85,000 titles, keywords and abstracts.

Smart Bookmarks (aka Smart keywords) can be used to quickly search for information on specific Web sites.

search engines ignore the question phrasing and instead do a search on the keywords "state", "highest", "income", and "tax".

keywords's Meaning in Other Sites