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killed Meaning in Bengali

 নিহত, হত, বিনষ্ট, অপহত, নাশিত, নিপাতিত, প্রমথিত, উন্মথিত, ঘায়েল, ঘাল, সাবাড়, অর্দিত, ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত,


ব্যর্থতাসাধন, বিনাশসাধন, ধ্বংসকরণ, দুর্বল করা, হত্যাসাধন, বধ,


সাবাড় করা, ধ্বংস করা, সারা, ব্যর্থ করা, দুর্বল করা, অক্রিয় করা, অক্ষম করা, ঠাণ্ডা করা, ঘায়েল করা, খতম করা, অভিঘাত হানা, অভিঘাত করা, দফা রফা করা, উন্মথন করা, উন্মন্থন করা, নিপাতিত করা, নিহত করা, বিনষ্ট করা, জীবননাশ করা, জীবনহানি করা, নাশ করা, জীবন লাত্তয়া, মৃতু্য করা, মরণ করা, বধ করা, হত্যা করা, মারা,

killed's Usage Examples:

UAE soldier killed in Yemen Four Emirati soldiers killed in Yemen: UAE 5 UAE soldiers killed in attack in Yemen "'The Yemen war.

killed by loyalists, 39% were killed by republicans, and 10% were killed by the British security forces.

Most of the Catholic civilians were killed by.

72 killed in Operation Euphrates Shield, 61–96 killed in Operation Olive Branch, 70–84 killed in Idlib buffer zone, 18 killed in Operation Peace.

that person is convicted of a few, there can be the possibility that they killed many more.

"Afghanistan: 34 people killed in two suicide bombings".

"Afghanistan: at least two killed in series of blasts in Kabul".

violence, 256 Palestinians, including 66 children, were killed.

In Israel, 13 people were killed, including two children.

aristocracy, the deviant's priests seized power, led by Priestlord Ghaur, who killed the son of Tode, Ranar.

were killed in the battle.

However, Japanese sources reported 40–50 of the local population killed.

Between 1,000 to 2,000 Chamorro people were killed or.

troops have been killed and 20,666 have been wounded in action during the war.

S troops have been killed and 56 have been.

its brutality, and since the insurgency started in 2009, Boko Haram has killed tens of thousands of people, displaced 2.

they survived the journey, they were gassed, worked or beaten to death, or killed by disease, medical experiments, or during death marches.

597 killed in 2003,[2], 23,984 killed from 2004 through 2009 (with the exceptions of May 2004 and March 2009),[3] 652 killed in May 2004,[4] 45 killed in.

Abdullah Shah: killed at least twenty travelers on the road from Kabul to Jalalabad serving under Zardad Khan; also killed his wife; executed 2004.

the founder and first leader of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly after 1:00 a.

conquering much of the known galaxy, especially during Kylo Ren's reign, who killed Snoke and became the next Supreme Leader.

An estimated 151,000 to 1,033,000 Iraqis were killed in the first three to five years of conflict.

killed 38 killed (Jan.

-April 2013),[27] 36 killed (May 2013-Oct.

2016),[28] 9 killed (2017),[29] 2 killed (2018),[30] 12 killed (2019),[31] 3 killed (10.

civilians killed and 334 Israeli security force personnel killed.

B'Tselem reports that through 30 April 2008, out of 4,745 Palestinians killed by Israeli.


drop dead; electrocute; commit suicide; saber; suffocate; snuff it; brain; tomahawk; lapidate; put to sleep; overlay; execute; carry off; go; give-up the ghost; slaughter; put down; neutralise; decapitate; knock off; pip; put to death; stake; take off; poison; sabre; eradicate; dispatch; extinguish; off; erase; perish; asphyxiate; decease; exit; bump off; choke; die; do in; drown; draw and quarter; draw; hit; murder; expire; destroy; vaporize; lynch; martyr; conk; buy the farm; impale; shed blood; sacrifice; assassinate; shoot; kill off; wipe out; decollate; throttle; kick the bucket; annihilate; dismember; waste; slay; polish off; pass; stone; eliminate; butcher; pass away; zap; fry; mow down; overlie; strangulate; put away; smother; croak; pop off; massacre; cash in one"s chips; liquidate; neutralize; remove; strangle; quarter; behead; decimate; exterminate;


keep down; cool; adult; sit; be born;

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