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kindliest Meaning in Bengali


হিতৈষী, আরামদায়ক, স্নেহশীল, রমণীয়, প্রীতিকর, যত্নশীল, শিষ্ট, বিনীত, অমায়িক, শুভ, সাধু, দয়াময়, দয়াবান্, দয়াশীল, সদাশয়, শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষী, শুভকামী, সদয়, মঙ্গলকামী, কল্যাণকামী,


শিষ্টভাবে, অমায়িকভাবে, অনুগ্রহপূর্বক, সদয়ভাবে,

kindliest's Usage Examples:

Master, Doctor of Theology, who for 27 years headed this college in the kindliest way and died in Christ on 23 November [literally on the ninth day before.

Nugent of The New York Times wrote that the "kindliest" thing one could say about the movie is that Naish is in it, "only this.

the form of a personal letter from the author "To my friend Joe Dignam, kindliest of landlords".

should have been a parson, or an Oxford don, or a waiter, for he was the kindliest, soft-voiced old stick who ever spared a fellow-creature's feelings -.

teachers I have seen, one of the truest pals a man ever (had) and one of the kindliest men God ever created.

did on one of my record sleeves, distinguished, elegant and with the kindliest of eyes, were Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten my hero.

With ev'ry kindliest, best presage Of future bliss, enrol thy name: With native worth and spotless.

wrote of Fred: "As he was the most absurd person, so was he the very kindliest.

attempt at short-story writing was read before publication, the that kindliest of critics, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (p.

people, each one in a bed to himself, with all the care dictated by the kindliest humanity, without exceeding a fixed price.

According to Parade Magazine she "asked them to imagine themselves as their kindliest, wisest 80-year-old self and give a piece of heartfelt advice.

For my part, O King Asklepios, of all gods the kindliest to man, I do not set Wormwood [as a cure for intestinal worms] against.

As he was the most absurd person, so was he the very kindliest.

self-command, and toleration exalted from virtues to blessings, and the kindliest and truest heart that beats, these form his equipment for the noble work.

" To which Mauretania replied with, "to the last and kindliest port in England, greetings and thanks.

Even under the kindliest treatment from the camera they are far from attractive and in one or two.

The Mauretania replied with greetings "to the last and kindliest port in England".

unsupplied with money; that was needlessly cruel; but it is just the kindliest men who have these extraordinary lapses; Shakespeare's loathing for his.

He was one of the kindliest, most considerate characters in the series.


large-hearted; benevolent; good-hearted; sympathetic; kind; openhearted; charitable;


inconsiderate; type; antitype; uncommunicative; unkind;

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