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knowledgeably Meaning in Bengali

knowledgeably's Usage Examples:

transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion".

The buyer is acting prudently and knowledgeably.

Enthusiastic and knowledgeably English-speaking guides are available to walk you through the museum.

consumers can both protect themselves and be able to confidently and knowledgeably drive demand for innovative products and services at competitive prices.

not accept the notion that a native could read and write, or write knowledgeably about history.

from "diet thinking" and encourages people to concentrate instead on knowledgeably caring for the body, eating for performance, eating in accordance with.

opposition", he was the first Dutch politician to do so eloquently and knowledgeably, and inspired writers such as Multatuli.

She named no original or subsequent architect to be credited, but she knowledgeably described the building in some detail as quite a competent work, finding.

consuming Minstrels, ostensibly in an upmarket theatre, commenting knowledgeably on their seats and the theatre acoustics, only to be revealed as delighted.

He nodded knowledgeably and walked away.

people for lives of public service and helping them to become more knowledgeably engaged in the democratic process.

Carpet", but it is also known as the ARY Film Awards pre-show, but more knowledgeably it is known as Red Carpet.

second year final exams, which explains his indigent status since, he's knowledgeably tied his shirt near the wound as to stop the flow.

It is possible to find some descendants by knowledgeably reading Tonkinese pedigrees, which are available in Tonkinese databases.

When Gardner talks knowledgeably about aircraft specifications the effect is only to reassure us that.

with the goal being to produce a person adept at speaking well and knowledgeably.

Training Program that trains future scientists to approach cancer research knowledgeably and creatively and to make significant contributions in the cancer field.

enlightened commentary on world affairs; their dinner conversations knowledgeably reference great theories of psychology, politics, and cognitive science.

For an individual to hold a social position thoroughly and knowledgeably they must be trusted in the[which?] market and reflect it in their behavior.

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