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lancets Meaning in Bengali


শিখরাকার সরু উঁচু খিলান বা জানালা, অস্ত্রচিকিত্সকের তীক্ষ্ণাগ র ছোটো ছুরি,

lancets's Usage Examples:

Blood lancets are generally disposable.

The east window triple lancets which still survive in the structure today date from this time as do the.

The small polygonal chancel with an apse and lancets was added in 1912.

a carry case, a lancing device, control solution, sample quantities of lancets, and a replacement cap for use with the sampling device when using alternative.

small triple lancets.

In the west wall of the nave are buttresses and two tall lancets.

The transepts each have three very narrow lancets with a circular.

entrance is surmounted by a large plate tracery window which comprises five lancets surmounted by two quatrefoils and a central foil with eight sections, and.

flanked by single blind lancets, topped by a quatrefoil pierced parapet.

A small semi-circular apse with a row of 7 upper lancets is to the left of the.

Double-edged scalpels are referred to as "lancets".

with three lancets; between the two is a niche containing a figure of Jesus Christ.

The windows in the aisles have large two-light lancets and cinquefoils.

Child 1953 (3 lights) Dorset:Bournemouth, Moordown, St John the Baptist 2 lancets: Florence Nightingale, Edward Jenner Dorset: Hinton Martel, St John Eight.

of particular note as are the north and south lancets and viscae of the East Wall.

The central lancets are a conjectural restoration.

containing the weapons and other regalia of the cavalry, curved daggers and lancets carried by foot soldiers in the 15th century, 17th century copper head.

two layers of three lancets below a rose window.

The south transept's windows (the originals) are the most notable – the lancets have Christ in Majesty.

bay of the clerestory also contains a pair of lancets.

The east window consists of five stepped lancets.

two trefoiled lancets and quatrefoils above.

Over the central entrance of this facade is a large traceried window comprising four lancets and three foiled.

Slater's and Carpenter's typical single and twin lancets with pointed-trefoiled cusping.

The final belfry stage has two deeply-recessed paired lancets flanked by single blind lancet panels.

The windows are paired lancets.

The stained glass in the upper lancets is by Lavers, Barraud and Westlake (1864-5).


surgical knife; lance;


amorphous; unformed;

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