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landing party Meaning in Bengali


অবতরণ পার্টি,

landing party's Usage Examples:

A landing party is a portion of a ship's crew designated to go ashore from the ship and take ground, by force if necessary.

In the landing party promulgated.

Sulu is the only member of the landing party who beams up from the planet's surface, and exhibits inexplicable euphoria.

All sixteen members of the landing party received the Polar Medal.

one of the fort's guns with 320 infantrymen, who repulsed the naval landing party.

A landing party headed by Kirk beams down to a nearby planet to find food for the ship's.

of the Enterprise visits a bizarre planet where the fantasies of the landing party become reality.

planet but encounter a strange flower that kills two members of the landing party.

the transporter taken out of service to investigate, stranding the landing party on the planet as the bitterly cold night sets in.

On 17 June 1813 a landing party of marines and seamen from HMS Saracen captured the French garrison.

Most of the survivors were taken prisoner; the landing party, led by Hellmuth von Mücke, commandeered an old schooner and eventually.

to the archipelago, bombarded settlements in Isfjorden and covered a landing party.

As the landing party materializes, the surface of the planet is rocked by a violent tremor.

The map indicates that the landing party from the Kainan Maru (Shirase) traversed up this glacier to the summit.

slave, Flavius (Rhodes Reason), suggests killing the landing party, Septimus decides the landing party poses no threat.

revolvers blindly at the fort, endangering the landing party more than the garrison.

The landing party took shelter in shell holes in the wall of the.

July 1797, the assault was defeated, and on 25 July the remains of the landing party withdrew under a truce, having lost several hundred men.

incapacitated male senior officers and rescue Captain Kirk and his landing party held on an alien world.

served on George Anson's voyage around the world and commanded the landing party which sacked and burned the town of Paita in November 1741.

team on the road and thus without the "home advantage" Away team, a landing party assembled to go on extravehicular missions in Star Trek Star Trek: Away.


party; company;


boarding; departure; leaving; embarkment; going away;

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