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large amount Meaning in Bengali

 মোটা অংশ,

large amount's Usage Examples:

distinguished by a very low albedo because their composition includes a large amount of carbon, in addition to rocks and minerals.

penetration testing distribution based on Arch Linux that provides a large amount of cyber security tools.

French Sign Language (LSQ) once taught in schools, and have absorbed a large amount of FSL vocabulary.

pollinators for this plant since their visit to the flower would pick up a large amount of pollen and they would pollinate from each of the flowers that they.

A large amount of cargo is exported from and imported into Faisalabad daily.

liquid consisting primarily of a solution of sugar in water, containing a large amount of dissolved sugars but showing little tendency to deposit crystals.

It contains a large amount of information about the biological function of proteins derived from.

Quechuan languages, especially those of the south, share a large amount of vocabulary with Aymara, and the languages have often been grouped.

valley large enough at the northern rim of Terby to have carried the large amount of sediments necessary to produce the layers.

The club was in a large amount of debt and sold 51% of the club to the vice-president of Atlético Chalaco.

In addition to the sheer amount of energy released, an unusually large amount of the energy was released in the form of radiation, probably due to.

Cross seas have a large amount of directional spreading.

Because of the large amount of energy required to excite the ionic transitions used in ion lasers.

Owing to the large amount of popularity that he had accumulated during his tenure in the United.

A large amount of Neolithic material was recovered from the site and it was studied.

Hairy Hill got its name from the large amount of bison hair found on the hills in the area when the Canadian Pacific.

can be harmed by flooding, as the plants can become stressed by the large amount of water.

It contains a large amount of sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) rich plagioclase, potassium feldspar.

bulk transport is a type of transport which involves the transport of large amount of substance like lipid droplets and solid food particles across plasma.

On November 22, 2016, NASA reported finding a large amount of underground ice in the Utopia Planitia region.


large; big;


little; small; nonpregnant;

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