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latitudinarians Meaning in Bengali

একজন ব্যক্তি যিনি (উদারচেতা এবং সহনশীল বিশেষত ধর্মীয় বিশ্বাস এবং আচার মান

latitudinarians's Usage Examples:

Waterland opposed the latitudinarians of his time.

often Jacobite politically and the bishops who were mainly Whigs and latitudinarians and after 1717 their meetings were limited to the formal sessions required.

There is no clear distinction between the group and latitudinarians in general.

church services and ritual with a view to meeting difficulties of the latitudinarians.

Sympathies with the latitudinarians were early; Disney appeared as a writer in April 1768 in defence of.

another volume of paraphrases gained the support of dissenters and latitudinarians such as Samuel Chandler, Samuel Clarke, and Thomas Herring.

physicians and theologians, and came much into contact with the Cambridge latitudinarians at the house of his kinsman, Thomas Firmin.

Philosophy (1872), treats the Cambridge Platonists and other 17th century latitudinarians in a similar way.

latitudinarians's Meaning':

a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct


progressive; liberalist; liberal;


conservative; juvenile; inactive; disordered;

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