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latus rectum Meaning in Bengali


latus rectum's Usage Examples:

The latus rectum is the chord parallel to the directrix and passing through a focus; its half-length is the semi-latus rectum (ℓ).

Menaechmus knew that in a parabola y2 = Lx, where L is a constant called the latus rectum, although he was not aware of the fact that any equation in two unknowns.

the latus rectum to the focal parameter.

In the diagram, the latus rectum is pictured.

is called the latus rectum; one half of it is the semi-latus rectum.

The latus rectum is parallel to the directrix.

The semi-latus rectum is designated.

the semi-minor axis's length b through the eccentricity e and the semi-latus rectum ℓ {\displaystyle \ell } , as follows: b = a 1 − e 2 , ℓ = a ( 1 − e 2.

the major axis of the hyperbola, is called the latus rectum.

One half of it is the semi-latus rectum p {\displaystyle p} .

perpendicular to the major axis, is called the latus rectum.

One half of it is the semi-latus rectum ℓ {\displaystyle \ell } .

secondary body, and p is the semi-latus rectum of the elliptical orbit.

From the geometry of an ellipse, the semi-latus rectum, p can be expressed in terms.

{\displaystyle h={\sqrt {\mu p}}} Where p {\displaystyle p} is called the semi-latus rectum of the curve.

to the directrix and to each latus rectum.

In a parabola, the axis of symmetry is perpendicular to each of the latus rectum, the directrix, and the tangent.

{\displaystyle \,p\equiv a\left(\,1-e^{2}\,\right)} is called "the semi-latus rectum" in classical geometry.

propositions fourteen and sixteen into the Apollonian form using the latus rectum.

passage in seconds μ is the standard gravitational parameter p is the semi-latus rectum of the trajectory ( p = h2/μ ) More generally, the time between any two.

with any latus rectum.

If, then, we wish to duplicate a cube of edge a, we locate on a right-angled cone two parabolas, one with latus rectum a and another.

{p}{1+\varepsilon \,\cos \theta }},} where p {\displaystyle p} is the semi-latus rectum, ε is the eccentricity of the ellipse, r is the distance from the Sun.

a {\textstyle {\frac {b^{2}}{a}}} (which equals the meridian's semi-latus rectum), or 6335.

model), RE is the mean radius of the Earth, roughly 6378 km p is the semi-latus rectum of the orbit, i is the inclination of the orbit to the equator.

} with p {\displaystyle p} the semi-latus rectum of both the parabolas.

{\displaystyle b} − a e 2 − 1 {\displaystyle -a{\sqrt {e^{2}-1}}} Semi-latus rectum ℓ {\displaystyle \ell } a ( e 2 − 1 ) {\displaystyle a(e^{2}-1)} − b.

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