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learnedly Meaning in Bengali

learnedly's Usage Examples:

preached before the court in Lent 1553, when, as John Knox relates, "he most learnedly opened the causes of the bypast plagues, affirming that worse were to.

kind, or not much different, have divers persons in forrein parts very learnedly written; some whereof I have noted in my preface: and I could wish that.

a very learned man, and a pupil of Plato, and to have discoursed very learnedly and copiously on certain subjects with Leon, prince of the Phliasii; and.

published in two volumes folio in 1713, a work which discusses more learnedly and comprehensively than any other the legal rights and duties of the.

marked the first book," still reviewed it favorably, saying the authors "learnedly but irreverently wreak the same havoc with Ariosto that they did with.

Guthrie's job of packing it [the history of medicine] into 400 pages is learnedly and readably done".

He discourses learnedly on this personage for some time, helped on by a student who begins as.

His design, learnedly, exhaustively and impartially executed, was to give such a methodical.

Star that appeared in the Cassiopeia to which he gave his Judgement very learnedly", as the antiquary John Aubrey recorded in his memoranda a century later.

Matthew Maty, and others, who met once a week to drink coffee and talk learnedly.

of the Venerable Bhadanta Vicittasarabhivamsa who answered all of them learnedly and satisfactorily.

Practical The construction and arrangement of bookcases was learnedly discussed in the light of experience by W.

Sir George Gilbert Scott called it "the largest and most carefully and learnedly executed Gothic mansion of the present" and that it was "the very height.

Cy has a strong interest in ancient history, and refers learnedly to Cyrus the Great, Harpagus, Herodotus, Hypatia and Lucretius.

have come to be "insiders" in the sense that they are able to discourse learnedly about almost any movie without thinking much about whether it's any good.

Guthrie’s job of packing it [the history of medicine] into 400 pages is learnedly and readably done.

medium of a perverted judgment, very naturally, though I think not very learnedly or very kindly, translated it shall instead of will, and thus converted.

sophisticated courts modeled on those of the Netherlands were resolving disputes learnedly in accordance with Dutch customary law.

Tatian, following earlier Jews had learnedly confirmed this view, and it recurs, more or less developed, in the other.

discourse going alone would not only enable the witch-advocates, very learnedly to cavil and nibble at the late proceedings against the witches, considered.



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