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lerp Meaning in Bengali


ঝম্প, বিরাট ফাঁক, পরিবর্তন, লম্ফ, ধাপ, উল্লম্ফন, লাফ,


সাগ্রহে গ্রহণ করা, হাঁটিয়া অতিক্রম করা, লাফাইয়া পার হত্তয়া, উল্লম্ফন দেত্তয়া, লম্ফ দেত্তয়া, লাফাইয়া ত্তঠা, লাফান, লাফ দেত্তয়ান, ডিঙ্গান, লাফাইয়া অতিক্রম করা, লাফাইয়া লাফাইয়া চলা,

lerp's Usage Examples:

it is sometimes called a lerp.

"Bresenham's algorithm lerps incrementally between the.

psyllids, especially among the Australian fauna, secrete coverings called "lerps" over their bodies, presumably to conceal them from predators and parasites.

Eucalyptus incrassata, commonly known as the lerp mallee, yellow mallee, ridge fruited mallee or rib fruited mallee, is a species of mallee that is endemic.

lerp is a structure of crystallized honeydew produced by larvae of psyllid bugs as a protective cover.

These animals are commonly referred to as lerp.

feeding on insects, spiders, and above all lerps (a type of sap-sucking insect).

Their role in controlling lerp infestations in the eucalyptus forests of.

Cardiaspina fiscella, the brown basket lerp[citation needed] or brown lace lerp, is a jumping plant louse species in the genus Cardiaspina originally found.

reduced where reduced = zipWith (lerpP t) coefs (tail coefs) lerpP t (x0, y0) (x1, y1) = (lerp t x0 x1, lerp t y0 y1) lerp t a b = t * b + (1 - t) * a When.

local speech from Wemba-Wemba: dilanj =nitre bush/dillon lerep =lerp/honeydew or lerp manna gambang = bulrush/cumbungi mali =mallee The word yabby, a.

referred to as 'bell lerps', of certain psyllid bugs that feed on eucalyptus sap from the leaves.

The psyllids make these bell lerps from their own honeydew.

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