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licitly Meaning in Bengali

এমনভাবে সাধারণ কাস্টম কাছে গ্রহণযোগ্য মধ্যে

licitly's Usage Examples:

that "Catholic ministers licitly administer the Sacraments only to the Catholic faithful, who likewise receive them licitly only from Catholic ministers.

and licit A bishop is the ordinary minister of confirmation and he may licitly administer it to his own subjects everywhere and, in his own territory.

obstacle that prevents a sacrament from being performed validly and/or licitly.

Competent Authority of the exporting country that the opium has been grown licitly/ legally in that country.

Communion); however, there has never been a time when the Precious Blood was licitly poured down the drain.

celebrets were issued by the Holy See to some priests permitting them to licitly celebrate the older usage, but bishops complained about this approach.

person to be baptized, or someone authorized by the parish priest may do so licitly (canon 530).

that Jewish children aged seven or older who requested baptism could be licitly baptized and removed from their parents' custody.

right in the common exterior goods of this world, a right that he cannot licitly renounce”, says author Jussi Varkemma as noted in Conrad Summenhart’s Theory.

ministers administer the sacraments licitly to Catholic members of the Christian faithful alone, who likewise receive them licitly from Catholic ministers alone.

only bishops (and priests with authorization by the local bishop) may licitly administer the sacrament of confirmation, but if an ordinary priest administers.

result of failing to control either illicit production or diversion of licitly produced opium to illicit purposes.

penitents confessing to priests affiliated with the SSPX "shall validly and licitly receive the absolution of their sins.

ever leaving concrete evidence, in order to spur Vogel to take action, licitly and otherwise, to frame him, as Vogel had done in a famous earlier case.

communities having a juridical or moral bond with" the SSPX a proposal to licitly consecrate an SSPX member as a bishop would be submitted to John Paul II.

communities as you like, I would snatch them from there to marry them off licitly or illicitly; in order to procure through them a kin-group who will support.

canon law gives cardinals the faculty of hearing confessions validly and licitly everywhere, whereas other priests and bishops must be granted this faculty.

other person whom the local ordinary has appointed for this purpose may licitly do the baptism; indeed in a case of necessity any person (irrespective.

Pope's call for civil obedience, advised his priests that the oath could licitly be taken.

of tyrannicide as upheld in the following proposition: "A tyrant may be licitly and meritoriously, and rightly put to death by any vassal or subject, even.

licitly's Meaning':

in a manner acceptable to common custom


legitimately; lawfully;


illicitly; lawlessly; illegitimately;

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