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lightbulbs Meaning in Bengali

বৈদ্যুতিক একটি স্বচ্ছ বা অস্বচ্ছ কাচ একটা টেলিগ্রাম ফিলামেন্ট ধারণকারী হাউজিং গঠিত বাতি (সাধারণত দুষ্প্রাপ্য ধাতু



lightbulbs শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সার্জেন্ট ফার্স্ট ক্লাস উইলিয়াম জেমস ২০০৯ ইনজেনিয়াস স্যাম চলচ্চিত্রটি "লাইটবাল্ব" নামেও পরিচিত ২০১০ দ্য টাউন জেমস "জেম" কফলিন ২০১১ থর হকআই বিশেষ উপস্থিতি ।

পূর্ণ নাম ফিলিপস স্পোর্ট ভেরেনিখিং এনভি ডাকনাম বুরেন (কৃষক) লাম্পেন (লাইটবাল্ব) রুড-ভিতেন (লাল এবং সাদা) সংক্ষিপ্ত নাম পিএসভি প্রতিষ্ঠিত ৩১ আগস্ট ১৯১৩; ।

lightbulbs's Usage Examples:

Trump administration rolled-back these energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs with the Energy Department's publication of regulations in the Federal.

to say goodbye to the lightbulbs you've loved".

"Energy saving lightbulbs".

"Be prepared to say goodbye to the lightbulbs you've loved".

lead-acid batteries, computer appliances, electrical appliances, and lightbulbs/tubes.

In his act, he swallows various items, such as coins, lightbulbs, balloons, nails, billiard balls, dry sugar, lighter fluid and goldfish.

When illuminated, the ceiling's lightbulbs formed patterns of celestial constellations, and the vaulted ceiling took.

pioneer in the field of photography for using electric lightbulbs in the 1890s, given that lightbulbs were a novelty in the late nineteenth century, with.

effect was the wall mounted lighting which included hundreds of small lightbulbs.

At times, she could be mischievous, and was known to unscrew lightbulbs, open cabinets and unpot houseplants.

was secretary of a business named Tungstalite, which made incandescent lightbulbs with a tungsten filament.

It involves a system of lightbulbs controlled by two banks of switches, with one game player trying to turn many lightbulbs on and the other trying to.

enhance the already present gaming atmosphere, such as adding black-light lightbulbs and gaming paraphernalia and posters around the center.

parts such as vacuum tubes (valves), X-ray and microwave tubes and some lightbulbs.

"Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health", illuminated by 696 incandescent lightbulbs.

installations and sculptures in which he used materials such as strings of lightbulbs, clocks, stacks of paper, or packaged hard candies.

lightbulbs's Meaning':

electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten

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