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line of reasoning Meaning in Bengali


যুক্তি লাইন,

line of reasoning's Usage Examples:

x:P(x)\;\;\vdash \;\;\forall x:P(x)} The following example demonstrates why this line of reasoning is a logical fallacy: I've seen a person shoot someone dead.

The Green Paradox's line of reasoning starts by recognizing a fundamental, unavoidable fact: every carbon.

exist is greater than to not exist, proves too much, because the same line of reasoning can be used to prove the existence of anything which is the most perfect.

O'Rahilly's line of reasoning was inspired by the form Ebdanoi [ Ἐβδανοί] found in one manuscript.

Bitzer "continued the line of reasoning that Rehnquist had acknowledged in Fry v.

convincing in learning, discovery and problem-solving, but whose line of reasoning involves key oversimplifications that make it not entirely rigorous.

A similar line of reasoning shows that choosing "98 is always better for Alice than choosing "99.

The allegations in the lawsuit largely followed the line of reasoning laid out by McCauley's coverage.

with innovative solutions for algorithms and data structures The line of reasoning behind the constraints, factors and the design choices made.

The secondary line of reasoning might be presented to persuade a sub-audience who would not otherwise.

Following this line of reasoning, the model of production and consumption needs to be changed in order.

the Australian Labor leadership, have a tendency to accept such a line of reasoning.

Closely related to this line of reasoning, was the original work by Tannenbaum and James Sherley on the immortal.

However, most modern scholars tend to reject this line of reasoning, since the author himself does not indicate any familial relationship.

That line of reasoning, however, assumes that the opponent values its civilians over its.

The line of reasoning is illustrated below.

This line of reasoning may represent the "high-water mark" of recent attempts to revive the.

headache had been alleviated by taking aspirin, an ex juvantibus line of reasoning would state that the headaches were caused by low levels of aspirin.

account for a truth he found to be incontrovertible; he started his line of reasoning by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective.

mathematics texts, scholia are marginal notes which may amplify a line of reasoning or compare it with proofs given earlier.


mentation; abstract thought; deductive reasoning; prevision; analytic thinking; logical thinking; argument; synthesis; argumentation; thinking; regress; synthetic thinking; conjecture; prediction; ratiocination; deduction; intellection; anticipation; line; thought process; reasoning backward; thought; line of reasoning; illation; analysis; logical argument; inference; cerebration;


synthesis; pro; con; analysis; better;

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