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lingulate Meaning in Bengali

জিভ মত আকৃতির

lingulate's Usage Examples:

Tayloria lingulata, commonly known as lingulate dung moss, tongue-leaved gland-moss, or marsh collar-moss, is a moss found in montane habitats in the.

Leaf edges of bases decurrent on stem, the upper leaves oblong to lingulate and constricted at base, toothed.

Marcusodictyon occurs on late Cambrian and Tremadocian lingulate brachiopods of Baltica (Vinn 2015).

lingulate, T.

A review of Cambrian lingulate brachiopods of England and Wales Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering.

They grow in a tight, nest-like clump with a lingulate leaf rosette and are usually epiphytic, growing in trees.

worm-like amoebae, the subcylindrical Hartmannella and Saccamoeba, and the lingulate Platyamoeba stenopodia Page.

while cauline leaves, sessile or shortly petiolate, are oblanceolate or lingulate and 0.

, the vetulicolian Vetulicola gangtoucunensis, lingulate brachiopods Lingulellotreta malongensis, Diandongia pista, Acrothele rara.

Its petals are yellow, lingulate to spatulate, and measure 10–12 mm long and 3–4 mm wide.

associated with cold seeps have been discovered; these include ammonites, lingulate brachiopods, bivalves, rhynchonellate brachiopods, tubeworms, belemnoids.

The 5-8 leaves are clear green, lingulate, up to 45 by 4.

Leaves erect, linear to ligulate-lingulate, never squarrose-recurved, somewhat contorted when dry, smaller at base.

moss, Tayloria acuminata entire-leaf nitrogen moss, Tetraplodon mnioides lingulate dung moss, Tayloria lingulata pinkstink dung moss, Splachnum sphaericum.

are very contorted when dry, 2–6 times as long as wide, the leaves are lingulate to narrowly lanceolate with concave sides at the apex.

"Ordovician (Darriwilian-Katian) lingulate brachiopods from central New South Wales, Australia".

invertebrates have been discovered; these include ammonites, bivalves, lingulate brachiopods, rhynchonellate brachiopods, tubeworms, belemnoids, tusk shells.

lingulate's Meaning':

shaped like a tongue


rounded; tongue-shaped;


angular; thin; uncoiled;

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