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lipread Meaning in Bengali

lipread's Usage Examples:

elements, such as specific words, from video and for identifying hard-to-lipread phonemes from visemically similar seen mouth actions.

Often, it involves the production of a transcript of lipread video-records of talk that lack a usable audiotrack, for example CCTV material.

of this fully functioning language, For many, the ability to speak and lipread, and thus communicate with the hearing world, is an essential aspect of.

seizures; Catherine was thin and deaf and suffered from seizures, could lipread but had poor control over her voice.

of dentals (or regular) read /riːd/ – read /rɛd/ – read /rɛd/ lipreadlipreadlipread misread – misread – misread proofread – proofread – proofread.

horse was engineered by Flandrin popping a balloon; she also was able to lipread what Flandrin said to his wife just before: "You double-crossing cheat.

since Épée's time by "oralists" who believe Deaf people should speak, lipread and use hearing aids rather than sign—and on the other side by members.

(saying she had "found it very useful for some situations"), preferring to lipread and communicate orally before that.

Bone had some knowledge of English and was able to lipread, but appeared to prefer signing.

Spa", the village where the School is situated, and as it is easier to lipread.

Children were taught exclusively via oral methods, forcing them to learn to lipread and speak, with punishments being given for use of sign language.

Somehow, people who've just met him (who presumably have never lipread or used sign language) find him perfectly comprehensible.

teach the students using spoken Spanish, with the goal of them learning to lipread (i.

Heinicke's institution in Leipzig capitalized on teaching deaf children to lipread and produce speech.

1970 Life With ARCHIE-The Sound of Silence #119 Archie the main character befriends a deaf character and teaches her to lipread.


lip-read; speech-read; read;


lack; contraindicate;

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