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liquet Meaning in Bengali


দুইজনের উপয়োগী তাসখেলবিশেষ,

liquet's Usage Examples:

In law, a non liquet (commonly known as "lacuna in the law") is any situation where there is no applicable law.

Non liquet translates into English from.

Legal technicality Letter and spirit of the law Piggybacking Quibble Non liquet, otherwise known as a legal lacuna "FORT PULASKI National Monument".

permitted by the rules of a language Lacuna, in law, largely overlapping a non liquet ("it is not clear"), a gap (in the law) Lacuna (histology), a small space.

explored the status of "Lotus approach", and employed the concept of non liquet.

Legal vacuum may refer to: A legal context which is non liquet ("it is not clear"), there is no applicable law, or in which some injustice is uncorrected.

Judge Schwebel's view, it is unacceptable that the Court rendered a non liquet on such a vital question, despite provisions in Article 38 of the Court.

"to close the discussion of the reality of the primal scene with a non liquet" (1918b, p.

consistunt the laws depend not on being read, but on being understood non liquet it is not proven Also "it is not clear" or "it is not evident".

different, and it is best to answer the question, as Biihrens does, with a non liquet.

value – Nominee – non compos mentis – non constat – non est factum – non liquet – non obstante verdicto – Non-binding arbitration – Non-conforming use –.

– Non licet, Non liquet, Non longe.

popular book Candide, which concludes with the character Candide saying, "Non liquet" (it is not clear), a term that was applied during the Roman Republic to.

nl—non licet, non liquet, non longe.

non liquet It is not clear.

summed up the prevailing contemporary sentiment when he concluded: 'non liquet' (Latin for 'it is not clear').

ess non quae nunc Malaca est, sed Japan insulam, ut ex Arriano et Mela liquet, tametsi peninsulam faciat Ptolomeus, apud quem et Sabana emporium hodiernum.

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