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logarithmically Meaning in Bengali

logarithmically's Usage Examples:

In mathematics, a function f is logarithmically convex or superconvex if log ∘ f {\displaystyle {\log }\circ f} , the composition of the logarithm with.

Another critical application was the slide rule, a pair of logarithmically divided scales used for calculation.

In convex analysis, a non-negative function f : Rn → R+ is logarithmically concave (or log-concave for short) if its domain is a convex set, and if it.

n-dimensional Euclidean space R n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} is called logarithmically concave (or log-concave for short) if, for any compact subsets A and.

, an) of nonnegative real numbers is called a logarithmically concave sequence, or a log-concave sequence for short, if ai2 ≥ ai−1ai+1.

component of the graph, to at most half of this former value, so after logarithmically many repetitions the process finishes.

to be logarithmically convex, if M k + 1 / M k {\displaystyle M_{k+1}/M_{k}} is increasing.

When M k {\displaystyle M_{k}} is logarithmically convex.

collection, but the maximum time to retrieve a given member grows only logarithmically with its size.

{1}{2}}+{\frac {1}{3}}+{\frac {1}{4}}+{\frac {1}{5}}+\cdots } grow logarithmically.

{\displaystyle y=\lambda a^{\gamma x}} form straight lines when plotted semi-logarithmically, since taking logs of both sides gives log a ⁡ y = γ x + log a ⁡ λ.

A polydisc is an example of logarithmically convex Reinhardt domain.

) The idea of presenting history logarithmically goes back at least to 1932, when John B.

{\displaystyle AF={\frac {E}{V}}} If all quantities are expressed logarithmically in decibels instead of SI units, the above equation becomes A F d B.

The transform can be thought of as a series of filters fk, logarithmically spaced in frequency, with the k-th filter having a spectral width δfk.

The increase in energy available slows logarithmically, but never stops.

properties  f (1) = 1, and  f (x + 1) = x f (x) for x > 0 and  f  is logarithmically convex.

choices: increasing the number of choices will increase the decision time logarithmically.

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