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logographs Meaning in Bengali

একটি একক লিখিত প্রতীক যে তার উচ্চারণ ইঙ্গিত ছাড়া একটি সম্পূর্ণ শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছ প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে

logographs's Usage Examples:

The Nwagu Aneke script is a syllabary and some logographs that was developed by Nwagu Aneke for the Umuleri dialect of Igbo in the late 1950s.

" That is, they are neither logographs (whole-word signs depicting one object to be spoken aloud) nor phonographs.

Michael (2012-07-24), Additional evidence of use of Pahawh Hmong clan logographs N4253 (pdf, doc) "M59.

weapon-owl version is therefore probably the logographs for JATZ' together with KUY or KUJ.

Various logographs or glyphs depicting an owl and a spear-thrower.

However, it also incorporates logographs (questioning marks) and is featural.

They are used, however, not as logographs but as an alphasyllabary.

Possible etymologies include the logographs 氣, 气, and 気 with various meanings ranging from "vapor" to "anger", and.

Some words are in fact logographs such as "WHO" and "FOR-FOR.

animals not native to China, and thus not normally written with Chinese logographs.

writing of the Sumerians, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Cretan hieroglyphs, Chinese logographs, Indus script, and the Olmec script of Mesoamerica.

including single-consonant characters that function like an alphabet; logographs, representing morphemes; and determinatives, which narrow down the meaning.

example, in one common pattern many verb and noun roots are given by logographs, while their grammatical affixes were written syllabically, much like.

Due to the nature of these studies that use Chinese logographs, there is a difficulty in an exact translation; a language barrier certainly.

In the present day, South Korean uses both Hanja logographs and Hangul letters, while North Korea uses only Hangul.

Countries which had a writing system based on logographs and syllabaries placed particular emphasis on form and quality when learning.

radical-and-stroke ordering with alphabetic sorting of a phonetic conversion of the logographs.

The central logographs depict the official title of the Lotus Sūtra.

logographs's Meaning':

a single written symbol that represents an entire word or phrase without indicating its pronunciation

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