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lorchas Meaning in Bengali



lorchas শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

Solanum nigrum, Orchis maculata উদ্ভিদে অনিষিক্ত ডিম্বাণু থেকে হ্যাপলয়েড উদ্ভিদ সৃষ্টি হয় ।

(শ্রেণীবিহীন): Monocots বর্গ: Asparagales পরিবার: Orchidaceae Juss. গোষ্ঠীর ধরন Orchis Tourn. ex L. Subfamilies Apostasioideae Horaninov Cypripedioideae Kosteletzky ।

Kuntze Gastrochilus violaceus (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Limodorum retusum (L.) Sw. Orchis lanigera Blanco Rhynchostylis albiflora I.Barua ' Bora Rhynchostylis garwalica ।

lorchas's Usage Examples:

guns each and all displaced ninety to 200 tons, with the exception of the lorchas which were larger and better armed.

Additionally, Struan ' Company possessed hundreds of small ships and lorchas for upriver coastal smuggling.

harbour off Duyong island: Arab dhows, Indonesian perahus, Portuguese lorchas, English schooners, and Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai junks.

frigate Dona Maria II, the corvettes Irís and Dom João I and some armed lorchas gathered in the harbour on 29 October 1850 to fire a salute in honour of.

In his constant encounters with piratical lorchas Captain Gulliver made use of a drag sail, with which he would suddenly.

The squadron was accompanied by half a dozen armed lorchas purchased in Macao.

either destroying or capturing French-controlled cargo transports (called lorchas) using the local waterways.

He also had hundreds of small ships, lorchas and small smuggling craft for coastal and upriver smuggling.

attempted to stop rice from being shipped to Cholon by attacking the French lorchas and apprehending the trading vessels on the local waterways.

inter-continental clippers by 1841, complemented by hundreds of smaller lorchas and other craft used for coastal and upriver smuggling.

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