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lower rank Meaning in Bengali


নিম্ন র্যাঙ্ক,

lower rank's Usage Examples:

It has a lower rank and importance than a county.

[clarification needed] In the Bundeswehr the lower rank is Gefreiter while the next rank is Hauptgefreiter.

The lower rank in the Swiss Army is also Gefreiter.

to the lead of a higher card from one hand to capture a singleton of lower rank in an opponent's hand.

Otaman in Ukrainian Cossack forces was a position of a lower rank.

(or under secretary) is a title for a person who works for and has a lower rank than a secretary (person in charge).

A legation was a diplomatic representative office of lower rank than an embassy.

Admiral is a higher rank than vice admiral, but is a lower rank than admiral of the fleet.

command of a higher rank fleet, and themselves commanded one or more lower rank fleets.

'5', '4', '3', '2' Cards of higher rank are to the left of those of lower rank Smaller cards whose exact value is unimportant may be represented by an.

The knighthood is initially conferred, as in other countries, at the lower rank of the order, typically "Knight".

Subsequently, after the Norman conquest, it was an office held by a man of lower rank, appointed as manager of a manor and overseer of the peasants.

Those awarded the Rao Bahadur title were usually drawn from the lower rank of Rai Sahib, both of which were below the rank of Dewan Bahadur.

single ship even if the officer's official title in the service is a lower rank.

non-monastic) deacon is of lower rank than a hieromonk (a priest-monk) or a secular priest.

Air chief marshal is a higher rank than air marshal and is a lower rank than Marshal of the Royal Australian Air Force, which has only ever been.

Since the Mexican–American War, however, the lower rank of colonel has been the normal rank appointed to command a brigade that.

Australian Army generals Many people are confused that "major general" is a lower rank than "lieutenant general", because they expect it to reflect that "major".

a lower rank; but Daltaban Mustafa Pasha began to go on the left side of Feyzullah Efendi and concluded that the Grand Vizier was at a lower rank.

civil servants and military officers, as well as those upon whom the lower rank of an Order had been conferred.


shade; backseat; lowliness; lower status; subordinateness; low status; inferiority; lowness; subsidiarity;


high status; colorlessness; brighten; stay; prominence;

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