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luridly Meaning in Bengali

luridly's Usage Examples:

It depicts Dyer sitting on a revolving office stool in a luridly coloured room.

the blandishments of a seducer, who is depicted as a satan-like figure, luridly bathed in red light, and whispering corrupting thoughts in her ear.

The magazine was issued with luridly illustrated covers featuring the theme of the damsel in distress, mostly.

flurry of print accounts of the Mohocks, their lawlessness, impunity and luridly violent acts.

during the Industrial Revolution for its unsavoury employment practices, luridly described by the commentators of the day, and the testimony of Robert Blincoe.

” Finlayson's play Winding the Ball was praised for being "gripping, luridly funny" and "splendidly assured, with wit and perception that bespeak a.

Cindy Hinant’s installations are luridly colorful collections of objects that seem to gather and spill out of otherwise.

The resulting concrete structure, luridly decorated to 1960s architectural tastes, opened in 1968 and is still in.

These stamps, luridly illustrated and irrelevant to the actual emirates they purported to come.

As luridly described in a film magazine, the Kaiser has plans to conquer the world.

water-holding stems adorned with soft and fleshy spines and equally fleshy, luridly colourful five-petalled flowers.

Alexander King (Fred Clark), who plans to recoup his investment by staging luridly sensational public exhibits of the Egyptian treasures.

above me on each side, and the impetuous Clouds just over them, posting so luridly and so rapidly northward, overawed me.

To deny this, the Whimsies wear enormous, luridly designed masks that cover all of their heads.

sparing of prisoners) shown to any of the inhabitants during the otherwise luridly barbaric sacking of Caen, during which many women and girls were raped.

Although Tianqing watches luridly at first, Ju Dou transforms the meaning of his gaze by exposing her bruises.

They are too what shall I say? too luridly arresting, and are the allies of insomnia.

Benshoff wrote, "Perhaps the most interesting thing about the pilot was its luridly lit visual design, one more reminiscent of Italian horror films by Mario.

large and hulking people with doorknob-sized heads that wear enormous, luridly designed masks).

Thompson's evocative and detailed spot art (as well as the luridly gorgeous endpapers) only sweetens the deal.

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