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lynchet Meaning in Bengali


শিখরাকার সরু উঁচু খিলান বা জানালা, অস্ত্রচিকিত্সকের তীক্ষ্ণাগ র ছোটো ছুরি,

lynchet's Usage Examples:

A lynchet or linchet is an earth terrace found on the side of a hill.

Nature Reserve This western sloping site is chalk grassland with prominent lynchet strips dating to the Middle Ages.

There is evidence of lynchet farming on the southeast side of the hill.

The age of the lynchets is unknown but Roman pottery has been.

remains of a lynchet, consisting of a steep 2-metre (6 ft 7 in) high scarp that runs parallel to the fort's defences.

Two other lynchets have been identified.

The ancient strip lynchet field system is of archaeological interest.

There are also the remains of ancient strip lynchet fields.

In Old English, a terrace was also called a "lynch" (lynchet).

5 stone circles, 10 funerary cairns, 6 stone banks, 2 stone walls, a lynchet and a trackway on Burnmoor" (known as Burnmoor stone circles).

The west side of the hill features a number of lynchets (terraces), the age and function of which are unknown, although they are.

Strip lynchets are visible north and east of Cotley Hill.

Evidence for this is in the form of a nearby medieval strip lynchet field system to the north of the village and a suggestion that the current.

(lynchet) forming against the base of the hill, this is particularly visible on the west and south-west faces of the hill.

In some areas, the lynchet has.

Lytchett is from the word lynchet or linchet (see Wikipedia lynchett), which is an earth terrace found on the side of a hill.

"Lynch" (lynchet in modern English) means a cultivated terrace following the contours of.

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