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macrocosmic Meaning in Bengali

সংক্রান্ত বা বিশ্বাব্রক্ষ্মাণ্ড গঠনকারী

macrocosmic's Usage Examples:

Theosophical, Rosicrucian, Aurobindonian, and New Age thought refers to the macrocosmic or universal plane or reality that is made up purely of thought or mindstuff.

Lila refers to the activities of God and his devotee, as well as the macrocosmic actions of the manifest universe, as seen in the Vaishnava scripture.

consciousness in its microcosmic aspect is called Taijasa; and in its macrocosmic aspect, Hiranyagarbha or Ishvara, the totality because of identification.

however, in view of the scientific effort expended, not to overlook the macrocosmic and microcosmic interrelations incapable of measurement.

the external and the internal, the objective and the subjective, the macrocosmic and the microcosmic, the universal and the individual, Brahman and the.

effectiveness of an electromagnetic machine Form of the Good, Plato's macrocosmic view of goodness in living Good (disambiguation) Good and evil Goodes.

Microcosmic and macrocosmic, in their nature.

Obexah, screaming on the altar, laughs insanely, while the macrocosmic stallions of Thamagorgos return through the skies to crush the palace.

Party (İYİ Party), Turkish political party Form of the Good, Plato's macrocosmic view of goodness in living God (disambiguation) Goode, surname Goodes.

The mandala has been interpreted as a microcosmic and macrocosmic representation of the self.

To Pollack, the Magician is a metaphysical lightning rod, channeling macrocosmic energy into the microcosm.

fostered a change in understanding of the place of mankind within the macrocosmic structure of the universe and the microcosmic structure of the human.

of cross-cultural and trans-historical imagery posits Jejuri within a macrocosmic, global framework which forces the reader to adopt an interpretive position.

(born 1992), New Zealand rugby union player Form of the Good, Plato's macrocosmic view of goodness in living Good (disambiguation) Goode, surname Goodness.

possible solar system”,:170 making it an early and often-praised example of macrocosmic worldbuilding hard science fiction.

Brampton high school, led him to process incidents of terror on micro- and macrocosmic levels through his one-man comedy show The Lowest Show on Earth.

Goode", song by Chuck Berry Form of the Good, Plato's macrocosmic view of goodness in living Good (disambiguation) Goodes (disambiguation).

macrocosmic's Meaning':

relating to or constituting a macrocosm

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