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magical power Meaning in Bengali




magical power's Usage Examples:

or unspoken, words are frequently used to access or guide magical power.

refers to a person with one or more magical parents yet without any magical power or ability, and from the term Muggle-born (or the derogatory and offensive.

The temple deity well known for his magical power.

It is sometimes attributed with the magical power to shroud its user in shadow.

Numen is also used by sociologists to refer to the idea of magical power residing in an object, particularly when writing about ideas in the.

often used fraudulent scams in order to convince the peasants of their magical power.

According to legend, the sword possessed magical power, which supposedly made Lê Lợi grow very tall.

associated with certain hex sign themes and neither ascribes strong magical power to them.

stylized eye with distinctive markings, was believed to have protective magical power and appeared frequently in ancient Egyptian art.

In this sense väki is more like a magical power emanating from water that can make people ill, but it can also mean.

It espoused the belief that witchcraft was an evil magical power.

sigillum, meaning a "little sign", means a sign or image supposedly having magical power.

The advent of Simon Tregarth, a man who turns out to possess some magical power and who forms a magical link with the witch Jaelithe after she becomes.

Doom uses them after gaining high levels of magical power via a deal with demonic entities.

a boy descended from Gwydion who discovers and develops some of the magical power in his lineage.

human society, and also as a criticism of the cavalier treatment of magical power in many works of fantasy, especially high fantasy.

transported from Ames, Iowa to Erde, a fantastical world where songs have a magical power, and where she has the capability to become one of the most powerful.

one day, while eating clouds, the four sisters had been attacked with magical power by the queen in the sky.


ability; lycanthropy; magical ability;


inability; inaptitude; uncreativeness; stupidity;

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