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magnanimously Meaning in Bengali

magnanimously's Usage Examples:

objective: one public, to “fit a man to perform justly, skillfully, and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war” (55); and.

challengers (the few remaining ones being either injured or unavailable) and magnanimously decides to fight local journeyman Balboa for the fan spectacle, as well.

(Former MLA and educational reformist) on 20 acres of land donated magnanimously by His Highness the Late Maharaja of Travancore.

the apostles Peter and Paul, we thus concede to those forcefully and magnanimously fighting these often mentioned pagans one year's remission of sins for.

she informs the conductor that she has left her purse behind, Phillip magnanimously gives up his stateroom for her.

producing their letters showed that they were the guilty persons, and magnanimously forgave them.

in mythology: Santa Claus has supernatural powers and uses them to magnanimously deliver gifts to children around the world.

He was supported by some other distinguished Achaeans, and they magnanimously refused accepting the money.

Fielder would then magnanimously forgive Vint, but it is not certain if he would marry Rosanna, who may.

from the management team come begging for their jobs back, and Stanley magnanimously agrees.

Lindy Remigino, the winner of 100 metres title at the 1952 Olympics, magnanimously stated that "of course, Jimmy Golliday was the favourite in the trials.

should certainly feel it my duty to decline the honor which you have so magnanimously proffered me.

to offer more money than the "150 per issue that Martin Goodman had magnanimously said we could pay for rights.

"like the lion bold, which whilom so magnanimously the lamb did hold" .

Ben magnanimously only takes "16,000 for his men, "10,000 for himself and "100 which he.

When Valentine realizes this, he magnanimously resigns his interest in Cellide and consigns her to the younger man.

of jewels, precious objects and works of art from his library were magnanimously donated to Bharat Kala Bhavan at Banaras Hindu University.

Eventually all is revealed and Serse magnanimously pardons everybody, unites the lovers and makes peace with Athens.

He magnanimously consented and sent me the sound files to work on.

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