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magnification Meaning in Bengali

 বৃহত্তরীকরণ, আপাতদৃষ্টিতে বর্ধিতকরণ,



magnification শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

উপরের বৃহত্তরীকরণ একটি ভেক্টর ছবি এবং নিচেরটি রাস্টার বা বিটম্যাপ ছবি ।

নাইট ভিশন বৃহত্তরীকরণ লেন্সের সঙ্গে মিলিত গগলস নাইট ভিশন দুই চক্ষুর দৃষ্টি গঠন ।

ক্যালমেট-গুয়েরিন ব্যাসিলাসের অণুবীক্ষণিক চিত্র, জীহল – নেলসনের দাগ, বৃহত্তরীকরণ: ১,০০০nn রোগশয্যাসম্বন্ধীয় তথ্য বাণিজ্যিক নাম বিসিজি ভ্যাকসিন, বিসিজি ।

magnification's Usage Examples:

Walmsley for close-up images with less than 10 diameters magnification, to distinguish from true photo-micrographs.

The magnification of a compound optical microscope is the product of the magnification of the eyepiece (say 10x) and the.

Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification or biological magnification, is any concentration of a toxin, such as pesticides, in the tissues of tolerant.

higher magnification and a narrower angle of view; conversely, shorter focal length or higher optical power is associated with lower magnification and a.

microscope, thereby enabling the user to take photographs at reasonably high magnification.


With any telescope or microscope, beyond a practical maximum magnification.

series resonant circuit provides voltage magnification.

A parallel resonant circuit provides current magnification.

Telescopic sights are used with all types of systems that require magnification in addition to reliable visual aiming, as opposed to non-magnifying.

image but has a narrow field of view and is not capable of very high magnification.

telescopes have different individual magnification, the difference between them causes an overall magnification or reduction.

Geometric magnification results from the detector being farther away from the X-ray source than.

Windows Vista and later allow up to 16× magnification.

Related to this concept is axial magnification -- the perceived depth of objects at a given magnification.

magnification or a better image is required, other types of hand magnifier are typically used.

A Coddington magnifier provides higher magnification with.

That is, the magnification, as usually defined from subject to focal plane, is unchanged, but the system magnification from subject to final.

dissecting microscope is an optical microscope variant designed for low magnification observation of a sample, typically using light reflected from the surface.

The amount of magnification depends on the focal length of the eyepiece.

The largest can just be seen at a 25x magnification, and the smallest can just be seen at a 450x magnification.


enlargement; expansion;


decrease; deflation; contraction;

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