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mahseer Meaning in Bengali


পূর্ণ জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি, অধীশ্বর, পতি, শিক্ষক, কারি, কারূ, সুনিপুণ ব্যক্তি, বাবু, পূর্ণ দক্ষতাসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি, ত্তস্তাদ ব্যক্তি, পণ্ডিত, বিশারদ ব্যক্তি, রাজা, সরকার, অধিপতি, সর্দার, অধ্যক্ষ, নায়ক, ভর্তা, হুকুমদাতা, কর্তৃত্বকর, পরিচালক, হজরত, স্বামী, শাসক, কর্তা, নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী, মালিক, গুরু, মনিব, প্রভু, ঠাকুর,


পূর্ণ দক্ষতা অর্জন করা, পূর্ণ জ্ঞান অর্জন করা, পরাস্ত করা, জয় করা, আয়ত্তে আনা, পরিচালনা করা, কর্তৃত্ব করা, আয়ত্ত করা, প্রভু মালিক নায়ক রাজা,


বিশিষ্ট, কর্তৃত্বকর, নিয়ন্ত্রক, মুখ্য, প্রধান,

mahseer's Usage Examples:

Tor putitora, the Putitor mahseer, Himalayan mahseer, or golden mahseer, is an endangered species of cyprinid fish that is found in rapid streams, riverine.

Tor tor, commonly known as the tor mahseer or tor barb, is a species of cyprinid fish found in fast-flowing rivers and streams with rocky bottoms in India.

Tor khudree, the Deccan mahseer, Khudree mahseer, or black mahseer, is a freshwater fish of the carp family found in major rivers and reservoirs of India.

Tor is a genus of cyprinid fish commonly known as mahseers.

Neolissochilus hexagonolepis (common name: copper mahseer or chocolate mahseer ) is a species of cyprinid in the genus Neolissochilus.

Tor ater, the dark mahseer, is a species of mahseer, a fish, native to Central Laos.

Tor ater is slightly different from other mahseer, although possessing.

The humpback mahseer (Hypselobarbus mussullah) is a species of freshwater ray-finned fish from the Indian endemic genus Hypselobarbus in the carp and.

2000 Fish Golden mahseer (Tor putitora) Golden mahseer, also known as the Himalayan mahseer or Putitor mahseer is an endangered species of.

Tor remadevii, the orange-finned mahseer, also known as the hump-backed mahseer, is a critically endangered species of freshwater fish endemic to the Western.

Naziritor zhobensis, the Zhobi mahseer, is a species of cyprinid fish endemic to Pakistan.

tambra, the Javan mahseer or ikan kelah in Malay, is a species of mahseer native to Southeast Asia.

Tor tambra is a typical mahseer, with Cyprinidae features.

of mahseer native to Manipur, India.

This mahseer was described as a distinct species due to taxonomic differences between it and the other mahseers of.

Tor tambroides, known as empurau in Malay, is a species of mahseer native to Southeast Asia.

Tor sinensis, the Chinese or Red mahseer is a species of mahseer native to the Mekong River.

Tor malabaricus, the Malabar mahseer, is a fish, a species of mahseer native to southwestern India.

This mahseer possesses many typical Cyprinidae features.

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