<< mails mailshots >>

mailshot Meaning in Bengali



mailshot's Usage Examples:

known as direct mail (by its senders), junk mail (by its recipients), mailshot or admail (North America), letterbox drop or letterboxing (Australia) is.

This can be referred to as an electronic mailshot.

out to all subscribers on a mailing list, it is often referred to as a mailshot or a blast.

[citation needed] Sections 91 to 94 entitle the candidate to one free mailshot of election material to all voters in the constituency.

He attracted some negative publicity for a mailshot his campaign released which made false claims about the voting record of.

Shortly after the launch of the company, the founders distributed a mailshot to peers and other college friends.

publicise his comedy club because the election rules allowed him a free mailshot to all registered voters in the constituency.

permitted to spend up to £750,000 on their campaign and to send one free mailshot to every household or voter in the referendum franchise.

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